Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 ~ The Plan

The guards leave and we go inside. Skye sits down and just looks at us for an explanation.

"Our father was fire. We are Multi-Elementians." Says River.

"I only found out from River." I add.

"So you guys can control, two elements?" She asks and we nod.

"I'm sorry we had to hide it from you." I apologise.

"It's ok. I'm sure there would be safety issues if I knew, and now I do." Says Skye as we look at each other awkwardly.

"But you can't tell anyone Skye." Says River as she sits down on a chair.

"I know, and if won't. But doesn't that make you like super strong?" She's obviously read books.

"Yes it does. When fully trained we are as strong as five fully trained Elementians." Replies River.

That gets me thinking. If we can be trained to become as strong as five Elementians, we would be stronger than some of the armies. Most of those warriors aren't trained fully, maybe half so If I train I could easily take out ten at a time. With River we could beat the army. My face brightens up.

"River, how trained are the warriors in the armies?"

"Just less than half way, why?" She replies.

"Because I have a plan." I say. "If we train we can become stronger than five warriors. If most are only trained half we could take out ten easily. Together we could stop an army!" I explain and she smiles brightly.

"But who could teach us? Also we need more than just us two. The armies have hundreds of warriors." She says and we start thinking.

"My friend Metallica might have one of those element training books you wanted. Her parents own a library." Says Skye and we all look at each other.

"Where does she live?" Asks River.

"In the centre of Metal, in Iron. That's past The city Steel. She lives in the most wealthy part of Iron. Her town is always being patrolled. It's a beautiful city though, with steel walls and many fountains." Explains Skye.

"Let's go there. We leave tomorrow morning." Says River.

What will happen next? If you enjoyed tell me by hitting that vote button up the top :) also I just finished writing the last chapter which is chapter 29 and I'm now writing the sequel :)

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