Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 ~ River secrets

I just stare at the girl hidden behind the bushes. She can't be, but she looks like her, but that's impossible! The girl doesn't see me but I see her, and I know who she is. She is taller than me, she is eighteen and has curly brown hair like me but longer. I abruptly get up and rush over to the bush. The girl turns around as I crouch down next to her. She looks me in the eye, scared. Then our eyes change at the exact same time, to surprise.

"River?" I whisper to the girl. She looks at me her eyes wide.

"Rani?" She asks to which I slowly nod. We burst into a hug and then back to look at each other.

"How are you here! Why? How! Your... Alive!" I say.

"I know. I never truly left, until now." She whispers back.

This girl was presumed dead years ago, when I was six. She was said to have ran away to not be found. Everyone searched and searched for her. Someone said they saw her running away but no one could be sure. I was so sad to hear she left me then but now she's back, somehow. I would recognise her anywhere, she is my sister.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I did run away, but I have been looking after you all. I ran away to the Stream army, lived those years being a nurse. Then when news of the Metal kingdom coming I joined them, I fought for Stream. But I never actually left you. I couldn't leave my baby sister." She whispered back, I held back tears. You may not understand this but everyone, and I mean everyone, thought she was dead. Killed some how after running away from my family. But to think she has been watching me, looking after me, it's slightly creepy.

"But why? Why didn't you come back? I missed you so much River." I whisper.

"Because I didn't want you to be mad at me. If I returned, you would be mad. You know how terrible a liar I am. I couldn't go back and not tell you I ran away." She replied.

"But why did you run?"

"Because I knew the army needed me. They needed someone to be the nurse and since mum had shown me some things I knew how. I'm sorry Rani." She whispers.

"It's ok. But what happened to Stream?" I ask her. I notice she's in the Stream army uniform but has a red jumper over the top.

"It was wrecked. I don't think they found mum. But you must stay away for now."

"I will. Come stay with me and my friend Skye and her cousin Fira." I say and she nods. We get up and go back to Skye. I explain who River is and we head back to Fira's house. I'm so happy but at the same time sad, and I don't know why.

Bet you didn't see that coming!

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