Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 ~ feelings

Skye gets back with Fira we have dinner. River has told me to keep it a secret for now and I had to agree, she is older than me anyway. She said if I accidentally used it, even here, I could be discovered as having two elements. Having two elements has been banned for ages, they have reasons, I guess.

After dinner, which was delicious, we get ready for bed. River has changed into a red dress like mine but kept her jumper.

"I wish they wouldn't go around attacking Frost. It will be hard to sleep with all that noise. With all the water warriors either with Metal or in the forest after running away, there isn't anyone to save them." Says Fira as we talk before bed.

"I know, it's so sad. If only we could stop them." I say quietly.

"But you would need a huge army to do so and with pretty much every towns army with metal, it's unlikely." Replies Fira.

"I know." I whisper.

"Hmm... Fira is there a library around here. I know of a book that had amazing things you could do with your element for every element. We could at least learn some more powers?" Asks River.

"Yes there is but any element book was taken off the shelf." She replies as a loud bang startles us all. It's followed by the sound of snow hitting metal and screams and shouts, war cries and terror cries. I look over at River who just looks down, iv always known she was sensitive to this kind of things, and it seems that hasn't changed.

We open up our blankets and lie down. Fira has moved two beds in for her and River to sleep in. Now it's around nine thirty and I'm tired already.

"Let's get some sleep." Says Skye as we all lie down and she turns off the light. After just a few minutes I realise how hard it's going to be to sleep tonight, with all the fighting happening not far away. Fira lives on the edge of Magma so if they were to attack houses, we wouldn't be very safe.

I lie back and stare at the roof. There's a small window at the top of one wall that stretches along the whole wall. I can see many colours dancing from outside, red, blue, lots of silver and white. Here's many screams going on, it is a war after all. I sigh and think about Stream, what could have happened to it. If Rivers left it must be bad. I hope mum is ok, I know she would be crying. As soon as it's safe I will go home, and find her. But at the moment we are at the edge of the war, barely a step ahead. Iv promised Skye that we will go to Metal to see her friend Metallica. I just hope we can stay one step ahead of the war.

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