Chapter 6 Marionette/LB

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Chat Noir was Adrien, Adrien was Chat Noir. Marionette blushed bright red.

"W-what... it was you the whole time? Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir this whole time?" 

Adrien nods. 

Marionette's eye widen as realization washes through her mind. "All this time I have turned you down, the small kisses, everything! That's been you!" 

Adrien tilts his head slightly, "What kiss?" 

Marionette blushes. "While fighting dark cupid when you were going to use Cataclysm on me, I kissed you to get you out of the control of Dark Cupid." She rubs her head. "Heh..."

Adrien's face goes red. Marionette could only image what Adrien what thought of her, Slut? Whore? Idiot? Or EW M'Lady is the shy school girl that has a crush on me!?

Marionette's eyes build tears. She realizes she's still holding Adrien's hand, she pulls her hand away and turns around. "Marionette whats wrong?" Two voices say. Adrien and Tikki. 

"I'm sorry Adrien, I know you're disappointed, Your lady is a shy school girl that stumbles on her words when she even looks at you." 

Adrien's hand goes on her shoulder. "I'm actually happy it's you. You're not who I expected, but i'm happy it was you. M'lady, Princess, I love you."

Marionette turned and hugged him, her face buried in his chest. Tears stung her eyes. "Chat, you don't have to say that because i'm in front of you. Don't lie to yourself" 

Adrien laughed. "Would I ever lie to you Bugaboo?" 

Marionette smiled and felt so safe in his arms, as if she belonged here. 

"What you did Mari, that was badass, all for me aswell... but why? I thought you liked Adrien? Not Chat Noir?" Adrien teased. 

Marionette laughed. "Chat is my partner, if he died, I don't know how I would protect Paris, patrol would be hard, and though your puns are unbearable, I know you only do them to make the situation fun, and light hearted and sweet comedy is always welcome."

Adrien squeezed a bit tighter, Marionette couldn't help but blush. 

Her eyes look to the left and Plagg and Tikki are smiling and talking, Tikki even redder then before, and that's hard since she's a ladybug. Marionette hears running coming from around the house. 

Adrien hears it took and drags her to the bathroom and he closes and locks the door, turning on the water to the shower. She looks at him in awe. Marionette had a few questions to ask him after this. 

"Adrien? Where are you?" Called a female voice, no anybody Marionette knew though. 

"I'm taking a shower Natalie!" He calls, smiling at Marionette. They hear a sigh from the other side of the door. "Ok! Thank god! An acuma attack was going on near by! Glad your safe!" Marionette waits and listens as the high heels click away and out of ear range. 

Marionette walks up to Adrien. She studies him. "So this is what you were actually doing. How many times have you done this?" She asks him. 

He laughs. "Multiple! It's an easy trick and I usually take showers two times a day so its pretty normal for me!"

"Models gotta stay clean huh?" Marionette smiles. She backs up and jumps onto the counter and sitting down. 

Adrien bites his lip. "Actually, I haven't taken a shower today. And i'm wasting water." Adrien then takes off his shirt. Marionette turns her head her nose starts to bleed.

 "Uh heh Adrien I think maybe you should wait until I leave, I don't want to get into your private personal uhh stuff." 

Adrien laughs. "Sorry, I... got too comfortable." 

No duh... Marionette thinks while blushing non stop and trying not to bleed on anything, as her nose turns into a blood waterfall. 

Then arms wrap around Marionette. She turns her head around and Adrien is hugging her, shirtless. 

He looks at Marionette, his emerald eyes staring into hers. "Marionette.. we're alone.. and I... I love you so much and I don't want to loose you.. promise me you won't leave. Cause I will never leave you." 

Marionette blushed, she smiled. "I promise." I leaned into Adrien and started to kiss him, and he kissed back. 

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