Chapter 15 Adrien/CN

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Chat Noir jumps from the building, following as Ladybug takes lead, swinging though the streets to catch up to the giant ape. They finally catch up to the thing, at the Eiffel Tower. 

"Why is it always the Eiffel Tower?" Marionette says in annoyence. 

"I dunno? Isn't it one of the seven wonders of the world?" Adrien answers. 

Ladybug sighs. "No, it's not. Even if it is, they live here why would they need to see it?"

Chat Noir shrugs. "Let's just beat this akuma."

Ladybug nods. "Yeah, I-" A scream can be heard coming from the top of the tower. Chat Noir and Ladybug both snap their heads up to see what made that scream. 

"ALYA!" Marionette yells, seeing her best friend in the hands of the ape. 

"NINO? CHLOE?" Adrien adds, pointing to the apes other hand. They both bite their lip. 

"We have to save them!" Marionette says, worry filling her voice. 

"No, duh." Chat says, getting the stink eye from Ladybug. 

"Adrien, our best friends and Chloe are up there! How are we going to defeat this akuma, we have no idea where the hell it's akumatized item is?!" 

The cat hero bites his lip, thinking, why does she rely on me. She's supposed to lead. 

"I got it!" She says, pointing to the jacket that the ape had on. "The akuma must be in her jacket, or else it wouldn't be on her, but turn into that ape like the rest of her clothes did! If we could only take off that jacket," Another scream comes, this time higher, it was Chloe. 

"I got this!" Chat Noir says, "You focus on at least cutting up the jacket, I'll get Chloe, Nino, and Alya."

Adrien really had no plan, but he got tired of hearing them screaming and got more and more concerned. He jumped at the tower, climbing up the side of it trying to get in reach of his friends. The ape was paying him no mind, as Ladybug was jumping around, causing a distraction and trying to get closer to the jacket. 

Chat Noir finally made it to the apes first hand, with Chloe and Nino. 

"CHAT NOIR!" Screamed Chloe, in a disgusted and relieved voice. "Finally! It was disgusting being trapped with him and my hair was getting messed up, my new hair pin almost fell! And that would be death to Pollen!" 

Adrien raised an eyebrow, noticing a new hairpin on Chloe's head. Did she really name her hairpin? Adrien shook off the thought and sighed. "Ok, Ladybug is going to get the akuma de akumatized, The hand is going to let go and you are not to flail your arms or legs or try to get closer to the Eiffel Tower." He said, slowly forming a plan in his head. 

Nino nodded and Chloe looked at him in disgust. He sighed, after kicking the giant fist, The ape turning, making eye contact with Chat. He winked then jumped down as Chloe and Nino fell. He grabbed Nino, but Chloe was flailing her arms like crazy getting farther away from Chat. 

Chat sighs as he leans down, increasing speed. He finally catches up to Chloe and grabs her, taking out is baton and extending it until it hit the ground, then slowly letting it shrink until they were on the ground. 

Nino put his hand to the back of his head, causing a strange green bracelet with a turtle shell to fall to his elbow. "Thank you Chat Noir, but uhh... my girlfriend is still up there. Mind if you bring her down safely?" 

Chat Noir smiles. "Sure dude!" He uses his baton and goes up to the top of the tower, above the ape. He sees Alya, struggling as Ladybug tries to grab hold of the jacket. Adrien sighs and jumps down onto the hand Alya is in. 

"Hey! Sorry for dropping by so unexpectedly, but this may be the purrect timing! Your turn to drop as well!" He smiles, happy with the pun he hasn't made in a while. Chat Noir kicks the apes knuckle, causing the hand to open and them both to fall. He grabs hold of Alya, and uses his batton to do the same thing. 

Alya smiles. "Thank you so much Chat Noir! Do you wanna pose for the Ladyblog?" 

Chat smiles. "Sorry dear, got an job to do. Maybe later!" Adrien notices a golden chain around Alya's neck, whatever was on the end of the necklace was inside her shirt. She looks up again and smiles, uses his baton to catch up to Ladybug. 

((THIS WAS A VERY LONG CHAPTER! It makes up for my lack of writing, sorry bout that. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and if you didn't notice the hints I gave off, I will be introducing the kwami's and heroes. I will be basing them off of my own theories and the fandom's theories. ))

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