Chapter 13 Marionette/LB

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Marionette wakes up to her trapdoor to her room slamming open. She sits up quickly, hitting her head on the low ceiling. Alya pulls up the rest of her body and closes the door while Marionette squeezes her eyes closed and rubs her head. "Oww.." 

"Mari! I have something to tel-" Her voice trails off. 

Marionette looks at Alya. "What?" 

Alya looks beyond Marionette and she turns her head. "ADRIEN!" 

Marionette curses herself for forgetting. She didn't want Adrien to leave because of those kinda invisible akumas so she made him stay the night. Because she didn't want him to sleep on the floor she let him sleep on the bed with her. 

"SHHHH!" Marionette says to Alya. "You'll wake him up!" She bites her lip. 

Alya grabs Marionette's shirt collar and then shakes Adrien. He wakes up and she drags him out of bed, then makes them sit on it and she stands in front on them, her hands on her hips. 

"I. Want. Explanations." 

"I-It's a long story!"

"And I have a long time before I have to go home. It's a Saturday and my curfew is 11 pm, It's 6:30 am." 

Marionette can't process anything. She can't say the real story, because she will reveal her identity to Alya. She tries to think before Adrien talks. 

"I wanted to stay over so we could work on the project tomorrow!" Adrien says smiling. "Marionette didn't want me to sleep on the floor so she let me sleep on the bed with her! And if you don't mind Alya, Mari and I would like to work on a project that's due on Monday!" 

Alya looks at Marionette and she smiles. She loved her dorky, smart, cat-like, boyfriend. 

Alya sighs. "I'll text you what I was going to say. Talk to you later Mari! Oh and Adrien, use protection, I don't want to be an aunt by 16!" She says in a teasing voice. 

Marionette's face felt as hot as a oven and her face turning into a living tomato. "ALYA!!" 

Alya laughs and leaves. Marionette groans and falls back onto the bed. She covers her red face with her hands. 

She hears Adrien laughing nervously, Marionette didn't have to look to know he was blushing as well. 

YES I USED A SEX JOKE! KILL ME I'M ALREADY GOING TO HELL DON'T REMIND ME!  But it was pretty funny huh? And maybe Adrinette/Ladynoir/Marichat/Adribug babies will happen? Idk I'm partly making this up as I go. 

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