Chapter 23 Marinette/LB

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If it weren't for Queen Bee's wings trying to fly herself to safety, Marinette and Queen Bee would have been falling to their death or horrible injury.

Ladybug is gripping Chloe and trying to grab the bee pin. She made the mistake of looking down. She realized how high they were. She gripped tighter and focused on trying to grab the pin. She ended up ripping part of her hair in the process, but now, They were falling to their death or horrible injury. 

Ladybug reached for her yoyo, holding onto Chloe who was passed out and connected it to a lamp post on her balcony. She flew and landed, ungracefully on the balcony, she tripped and fell on her back. 

She coughed and looked at the bee pin. She realized she didn't use lucky charm. She sighs and puts her head back on the floor and crushes the bee pin in her hand. 

She can't even make out the words and deevilizes the akuma. Without the lucky charm, the suit from Chloe comes off, and everything goes back to normal. The bee pin is in Marinette's hands but not wanting to move she just sits there. 

"Huh? Ladybug? Wha- what happened?" Chloe askes. 

"You were akumatized." Chat Noir explains. 

"Where am I? is this Maritrash's house." 

Ladybug hears a small hiss and chuckles. 

"Lemme me take you home." Chat says and picks her up and jumps off the balcony. 

"Tikki spots off." 

"Mari, are you ok?" Tikki askes. 

"First Lila had the fox miraculous then Chloe has the bee miraculous. How guarded are these miraculous. It's like Master Fu isn't even trying." 

"Don't say that about Master! Though I don't know how the bee miraculous was given to Chloe but the fox one was lost along with the peacock and moth miraculous. It's not his fault." 

Ladybug sighs louder. "Let's go return this to Master Fu." Marinette gets up and Chat lands on her balcony. 

"Where you going M'lady?" 

"I need to return this bee miraculous. Don't know how Chloe had access to it but whatever." 

"Who are you going to return it too? Plagg claws in." 

"Master Fu. Come with me." 

They go down the trapdoor and walk down to their mother. 

"The akumatized person was dealt with. Me and Adrien are gonna go to a coffee shop! Bye mom!" 

They leave and Adrien follows Mari to Master Fu's place. 

"Guess you'll finally get to meet Master Fu." Marinette says to Adrien. 

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