Chapter 28 Marinette/LB END

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The next day, everybody searched almost the entire country. All of the heroes seperated and themselves and went different ways. They met up back at the hotel.

"I got around 100." Chloe said smirking.

"Chloe, there are only 50 miraculous missing." Marinette said with a sigh.

Adrien put her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "Chloe, these miraculouses are spread throughout the world.  You don't have to lie about how many you got. I'm not even sure we got everything, we only skimmed each state. But i mean, you guys felt that pulling when you found a miraculous." 

They all nodded. Marinette looked at the clock. "I'm going to start to pack, we have our plane tickets to South America. You guys got Canada too right?" 

Nino raised his hand, "I got the part nearer to US's border and Alya got more to the north. " 

Marinette smiled, and walked to her room. Adrien followed behind. "See you guys in the morning, to South America." Adrien said with a laugh. 

Marinette packed and so did Adrien. The both hopped onto the bed and let out a sigh, Tikki and Plagg were already asleep. Adrien smiled and pulled Marinette closer and hugged her. They fell asleep cuddling. 

The next couple of days, they searched a lot. Finally they made their way back to France. Marinette had bags under her eyes, barely getting any sleep. Adrien seemed drained as well. When they got on the plane to France, they fell asleep right away, Marinette's head on Adrien's shoulder, and Adrien's head on Marinette's head. 

They made it to  France and they parted ways. Marinette laced her fingers with Adrien as she stepped out of his car onto the street. She walked into the warmth of the bakery, her parents greeted her.

She smiled and sat down, eating a chocolate croissant and falling asleep almost as soon as she hit the bed. 

In the morning, she got a text from Adrien. 

"Hey Mari, did you hear, my dad was discovered as Hawkmoth, he got arrested and Nooroo got released." 

A tear fell down Mari's cheek, as another text sent. "Do you have Tikki, Plagg is nowhere to be seen, my ring is also gone."

Marinette touched her ear, the earrings were gone. She threw all the cushions off her bed. She started panicking and whispered yelled, "Tikki? Tikki where are you?" 

After a while, she sat in the middle of the floor, she dug her eyes into her knees and cried. Ladybug was no longer needed, Tikki went back to Master Fu. 

"Master Fu! That's it!" Marinette ran downstairs, not bothering to clean up. She ran out the door and sprinted to Master Fu's place. 

She opened the door, Master Fu sat there. He turned his head. "Ah Marinette, how are you." 

In a shaky breath, Marinette managed the words, "Where is Tikki..?" 

Master Fu got up and handed her the box where the kwami's were kept. She tried to open it but nothing happened. "The Kwami's are no longer in use, they have locked themselves in their world, when they are needed again, they will come out." 

Tears streamed down Marinette's face. Adrien was in the doorway, she turned and buried her face in his chest. 

Master Fu explained to Adrien what happened, he put his hands on Mari's head. They fell to the ground and sat there for a while. 

Paris's two heros were no longer needed. Back to normal teenage days. No more adventures with magic. Mari sighed and couldn't think of her life without Ladybug. Ladybug was no more.

No more Chat Noir, no more Ladybug. 

                   15 years later

Mari smiled as Adrien walked down the stairs, in a tux. 

"Well aren't you a pretty kitty?" Mari said laughed and went to hug him. He spun her around in her self made dress, red with black spots. 

"And aren't you fluttering bugaboo." 

They laughed and smiled. "C'mon, we are going to be late for Alya's speech." Mari said giving him a peck on Adrien's cheek. 

He ran to the door and opened it, "After you m'lady." She smiled and giggled. 

"Such a gentleman, or should I say gentle cat." They smiled and made their way to a limo waiting in front of the bakery, fashion mashup. "A Stylish Way To Bake" in black letters on the door. 

They stepped inside and locked fingers, on their way, to their future. Something they have been waiting for for a long time. 

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