Chapter 14 Adrien/CN

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Adrien couldn't register what Alya had just said. He looked at Marionette who was dying. "Adrien, please ignore what Alya said." 

Adrien laughs nervously. "Yeah.. Anyway, the project?" 

Marionette nods. "Y-yeah." 

They climbs awkwardly off the bed and sit on the floor, where the night before they had set out all the stuff for the project. Adrien sat, looking out the window while Marionette quietly traced out where everything was going on a big poster board. 

Adrien stared out the window until he saw the most familiar black and purple butterfly flying by, heading to who knows where. 

"Mari, not the best time but I see an akuma." 

Adrien heard a small clatter, a pen falling to the ground. Marionette and Adrien both got up. 



The both flew out Marionette's balcony. 

Adrien smiled. "So is it still ok for me to call you M'Lady and make dumb cat puns?" 

Marionette blushed and punched Chat's shoulder. "Shut up, kitty." 

Adrien smiles and extends his staff. "I saw the akuma head to the Eiffel Tower. I think we shoul-"

His voice trails off as a growing ape towers over the Eiffel Tower, causing screaming to come from everywhere. 

"I didn't know King Kong was still around." Adrien said, gripping his staff, shaking. 

"We should probably defeat this akuma before it destroys all of Paris." 

Adrien nods. "Right... And if we die....?" 

Marionette kicks Adrien. "We're not going to die." 

Adrien pulls Marionette and kisses her deeply. He pulls away and smiles. "You never know. Lots of unexpected things happen." 

Marionette blushes and nods. "Right... Now, let's go beat a giant ape's ass." 

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