Chapter 9 Adrien/CN

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Adrien walked into class, and sat down in his spot before the second bell rang. Marionette sat behind him, like usual, and Nino next to him and Alya behind Nino. The teacher walks in and clears her throat.

 "Good morning class! Happy Friday! Today we are going to be in group projects. I have picked your partners for you. So we have Chloe and Sabrina, Juleka and Rose, Kim and Nathaniel, Adrien and Marionette, Alya and Nino, Mylene and Ivan, Max and blah blah blah" 

Adrien glanced back and Marionette who was blushing and laughing nervously at Alya. Alya was grinning and Nino's face was bright red. Adrien smiled, she was going to partner with his bugaboo. 

An hours of class went by and the bell rang for the next class. Adrien got up and Marionette smiled and walked to his side. 

"S-so your place or my place?" Marionette asked, adding the stutter because Alya was right behind them. 

Adrien smiled. "Yours, I don't want to endanger you with Hawkmoth as you know, my dad. 

Marionette nods. "Right."

They walk their next class. After another hour, third period comes. Another hour passes and everyone is excused for lunch. 

Alya and Nino left to work on their project, leaving Adrien and Marionette by themselves. 

Marionette sighed. "Finally! I don't have to stutter around you!" She smiles, knowing no-one will be able to hear them in a 10 foot radius because of the roar of students in the cafeteria. 

Adrien laughs, and kisses her head. "Yeah, though you're cute when you stutter." 

Marionette smiles and pushes him away. "Shut up!" She laughs. 

"ADDDDRRRIIIIIKKKKIIIIINNNNNSSSSS!" A yell is heard over all the other voices. Chloe comes running at Adrien and sticks to him, hugging him. "I haven't gotten to talk to you all day! It's too bad we couldn't have been paired in our math project! Too bad you got put with Maritrash!" 

Adrien pulls her off of him. Chloe smiles. "Really Marionette is such trash! She belongs with Ladybug's sidekick Chat Noir!" 

Marionette pushes Chloe and everyone turns to see, Adrien grabs Marionette's shoulder.

"Mari what are you d-"

"No! I'm sorry Adrien, but I'm done with letting Chloe just harass anyone she wants and getting away with it!" Marionette puts her attention back to Chloe. "You can't just go around harassing all these people and think its ok! Just because your dad is the mayor, doesn't mean you can do whatever you damn please!" She grabs her shirt collar. "And you cannot talk about my- our protectors of Paris! Chat Noir is not a sidekick, they are partners! They can't fight without each other! You could be dead without Chat Noir! He has protected you so many times and all you do is think hes trash!" 

Alya and Nino found their way next to Adrien. "What is Mari doing?"Nino asked concerned. 

Adrien smiles. "Standing up to us all." 

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