Chapter 19 Adrien/CN

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Adrien's phone went off while he was in the middle of a piano piece. He stopped and realized it was Alya. "Alya?"

He picked up. "Hey Alya, whats up?" 

"ADRIEN!" Alya screamed

Adrien backed the phone away from his ear "Ow! What's wrong Alya?" 

"WHAT DO YOU THINK! The dance is in a week and you haven't asked Marinette out yet!" 

Adrien wiped his face. "Oh thats right! That's coming up! I totally forgot Alya! I would of if I wasn't stupid! I'm sorry!" 

He heard a door open from the other end, then heard Marinette's voice. "Alya! What are you doing? Are you on the phone wi-" It hung up. 

He stared confused at his phone before he heard footsteps. Adrien tucked his phone in his back pocket and continued to play. His father opened the door. Adrien didn't stop to look at him. He heard the door close and his father walked away. 

Once he finished the piece Plagg, flew out from inside the piano. "So Adrien, about this dance thing?" Adrien puts his books away and looks at him. 

"Yeah what about it?" He walks over to his bed and takes out his Lucky Charm Marinette gave to him. 

"Can I come?" Plagg asks, flying over

Adrien laughs a little. "Of course, I would never leave you alone!" 

Plagg messes with his tail, "No I mean, like go to the dance. Like get a suit and go with Tikki." 

Adrien sat up and looked at him. "You're serious?" 

Plagg looks down and flies up to one of Adrien's shelves that held video games, mangas, and movies. "Never mind, stupid idea." 

"No! Sorry, I was being dumb, of course! I could schedule something with Marinette, maybe head to her house afterward. She could make you a tux and Tikki a dress. You guys could have your own dance at her place."  

Plagg eyes shot up and  flew down from the shelf. "Really!" 

Adrien laughed. "Yeah, as long as Marinette agrees." The adrien's phone goes off, it's Marinette. 

"Speak of the Angel." Plagg said. 

"What was that?" 

"Well because its not speak of the devil cause that's a bad thing so its speak of the angel." 

Adrien raised and eyebrow then laughed and picked up. "Hey Mari, what's up?" 

Mari sighed. "Sorry about Alya. We were talking about how Nino asked her very romantically then asked me how you asked me out. I said he didn't yet and she freaked out."

Adrien laughs. "It's fine."

Adrien heard Marinette giggle and he smiled. 

"So when are  you going to ask me out." Mari says. 

"I want it to be special. I'm not just gonna do it over the phone."

"So I have to expect everything?"


They laughed and Adrien heard a small tapping sound. He turns and glass from his window flew past his face, somebody broke into his house. 

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