Chapter 12 Marionette/LB

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Their noses almost touching, Marionette's face turning redder than her ladybug suit. Could he not see it?

Marionette pushed herself up and looked around. The familiar black and purple butterfly was flying around her room. Marionette couldn't keep her gaze off of it. 

"Mari, what are you looking at?" 

"Don't you see it?" She asks, not letting her eyes leave the sight of the akuma. 

"See what?"

"The akuma!" She said, her eyes following its every move, she flinched every time is faced Adrien, was it an illusion, there to trick her, annoy her? 

Adrien's hand was placed on Marionette's shoulder. "Mari, what akuma? The only thing that looks close to an akuma in here is Plagg and he's with Tikki talking on your bed. "

Mari points to where she sees it. "But it's right there! It's flying in my room! And it almost akumatized you twice! How do you not see it!" 

Adrien sighs, "Mari, please calm down. There is no akuma there. You're pointing at the ceiling. And there is nothing there but the outline that gives the room shape." 

Marionette yanks her shoulder away. "What do you think I am? Going insane? I know what I see." 

Marionette faces her bed where Tikki and Plagg are looking at them. "Tikki spots on!" 

She transforms into Ladybug and the akuma starts to fly to Adrien. She takes out her yoyo and opens it. "TIME TO DE-EVILIZE!" She throws it at the akuma and it comes out a pure white butterfly. 

She sighs and Adrien looks at her and back at the white butterfly now flying out her window. 

"How come I couldn't see it?"

Marionette shrugs. "I-I don't know. I wish I could tell you. Maybe Hawkmoth just wants to play with us." 

Adrien looks at her in disbelief. "But Hawkmoth dosen't know who we are."

Marionette leans against her desk and turns back into her civilian form. Tikki flies out and sits next to Plagg. "Maybe hes looking after you. And in that case he knows... FUCK!" She swipes at her desk, knocking off papers, pens, pencils, staplers, scissors, and other desk supplies. 

"I can't believe I just admitted my identity to Hawkmoth!" Adrien grabbed her arms. 

"Marionette calm down!" Marionette struggles out of Adrien's grip but hes squeezes tighter. "Marionette calm down. Hawkmoth has nothing on us. I'm sure that you'll be fine. It's not akuma's are cameras! They can't talk. They are just dumb bugs!"

Marionette looks at him, Tikki even staring at him. "I MEAN! Shit Mari you know what I mean! Tikki don't kill me!" 

Marionette sighs and stops struggling. She leans her head on his shoulder. At least now he doesn't think i'm crazy. I think. 

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