Chapter 10 Adrien/CN

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Everyone was now swarming to see what was happening. Marionette was practically on top of Chloe and giving her a hard talk about other people. It wasn't anything physical, or violent, but it sure did the trick, Chloe looked scared.

Marionette finally was finishing up. "Chloe if I ever catch you picking on anyone including adults and using-" Her voice turns high pitched, trying to intimidate Chloe, "My daddy is the mayor of Paris!" Her voice goes back to normal "excuse trust me you will be dead meat."

Chloe scrambles out of the crowd, Sabrina hesitating if she should follow. Marionette grabs Sabrina's shoulder. "Only go if you truly want her as a friend, not because she is forcing things upon you." Sabrina nods, and runs after Chloe. 

Everyone is quiet for a minute before all cheering. "MARIONETTE! MARIONETTE! MARIONETTE!" Adrien was so happy with her he couldn't help himself. He ran up to her and spun her around, grabbed her hips, and lifted her into the air, spinning her around before kissing her. 

Marionette smiled and blushed when he pulled away. From behind, Adrien heard. "ABOUT TIME!" from two different voices. Alya and Nino. Adrien and Marionette laughed after he put her down. People started coming toward them and patting Marionette on the back and smiling. Some even whispered in Adrien's ear. "Got a girlfriend now?" And he always responded with "Yup, I guess so." 


After school, Adrien and Marionette were in Mari's house working on their project.

"Adrien! Stop making paper cat ears we need that construction paper!" Marionette yanked the remanding of the black paper from Adrien's hands and puts it on her lap. Adrien smiles then makes a pouty face. "but m'lady! Pweeease! Pwease princess!" 

Marionette takes the construction paper and hits the side of his head. "Shut up kitty." She laughs. Adrien smiles. "Yeah but whats a little fun? This project is so dumb! We're supposed to teach an entire lesson of a subject we have already learn and" He puts his fingers into air quotes while reading off the directions paper, "teach it as if they don't know what any of it is." He throws the paper back on the ground. 

Marionette smiles. "It's to show how much you know about the subject. I don't like math either but I want to get this done with so stop complaining and help me print and cut out the notes I made on my computer." Adrien groans and gets up.

He walks to her computer and prints out the paper on the screen. 

"You found them already?" She asked, in a confused tone. 

"They weren't the ones on the computer already?"

Marionette stood in a panic and tackles Adrien as the papers printed. They rolled to were Adrien was over Marionette and she was on the floor. Marionette pushed up Adrien's face and got up. She grabbed the papers and folded them, after pulling the shredder from under her desk. 

Adrien got up and felt confused. What is she hiding? 

Adrien smirked and grabbed Marionette's shoulder and hugged her, his arms wrapping around her stomach, and his head resting on her shoulder. She smiled. 

"Adrien what are you doing?" She laughed. 

Adrien smiled and kissed her neck. Marionette smiled.

Adrien's hands reached the paper and he snatched it and jumped back. Marionette turned around and Adrien put his hand in the air, holding the paper. 

.Adrien! Give is back! God dammit! Stop being tall and having long arms!" Marionette starts to reach and jump after the paper. 

"What's my princess hiding?" Adrien says smiling. Plagg and Tikki start to fly up to help Marionette. Adrien laughs.

"Plagg claws out!" Adrien turned into Chat Noir and laughs. He climbs out of Marionette's window. He climbs on the roof and unfolds the paper, seconds before Ladybug appears next to him on the roof. 

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