Chapter 21 Marinette/LB

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Marinette walked outside, the street seemed deserted. She didn't blame anyone. A sword of bees being led by Chloe is terrifying. Marinette found a small shop she and her family go to. She has seem Camembert in there. She made a small cheesecake out of it one time, bad idea. 

She walked in and the shop owner pulled a gun from behind the counter. Mari put her hands up, money in had. "Not a robber, or akumatized victim. I just want to buy some cheese."

The store owner put the gun down. "Oh thank god, I thought you were that Queen Bee girl. What can I get for you?" 

Mari places the money on the counter. "How much camembert will I get with this?" She asks. 

"Hmmm... Maybe like a small wheel?" He pulls out a circle of cheese. From smell Mari could tell it was camembert. She took the wrapped cheese. 

"Thank you sir! Keep any change!" Mari left 

"Be careful out there!" The owner called back. 

Mari walked outside, looked up and around. Walked back to the bakery and ducked inside. 

"MARI!" Plagg hugs Marinette's face. "You got me cheese!" 

Marinette laughs, places it on a cafe table and unwraps it. 

Tikki flies to her. "I was worried about you!" Tikki sits on Mari shoulder and nuzzles her cheek. 

Adrien runs to her and gives her a big bear hug. Tikki flies off her shoulder to avoid being crushed by Adrien's arm. 

Mari laughed. "I haven't been gone for that long!" 

Adrien laughed. "I just got worried. I don't know what I would do if you got hurt." 

Mari smiled. "Like I said, Tikki would disappear if I was in trouble! I have a plan for everything." 

Adrien shrugged. "Still, what if she like tied your hands!" He pulled away. 

Mari shook her head. "That wouldn't happen. I would never abandon you." 

Adrien sighed. "How long do we have stay here?" 

Mari sighed and looked out the window. A swarm of bees flew by quickly. She jumped back. "Probably, a little longer. I'm not ready for all those bees." She smirks awkwardly. 

Adrien laughs. He grabs her wrist and pulls her over to a booth. He lays down on the cushioned bench and pats next to him for her to join him. 

Mari smiles and lays down next to him. He lays her head on his chest, and he holds her so they don't fall off the bench and onto the floor under the table. Mari looked at the table and other booth bench. 

"Hey, we can move these!" She gets up and pushes the table out of the way, and pushes the other bench to connect with the one Adrien was laying on. "That's better. " She lays next to Adrien. 

He pulls her closer  and hugs her. "Mari it's cold!" He says smiling. 

Marinette kisses Adrien's forehead, and his face goes slightly red. "Is it warmer now, Kitty?" 

"Yeah, Bug-a-boo." 

Marinette laughs. "What did I say about calling me that?" 

Adrien smiles and hugs her tighter. She rests her head on his shoulder and just lays there. She felt comforted and safe in his arms. This was where she was happy. She looked over at Tikki who had just tried a bit of cheese. 

Her face was just disgust. Marinette chuckles softly. She puts her head back down and looks at Adrien. 

"Have I ever said how beautiful your eyes are." Mari smiles. 

"Your eyes are bluebell and like a dark ocean. What i'm saying is your eyes are beautiful as well." 

Mari laughs softly and presses her lips on his. He kisses back. It goes like this for a while.

"I love you Marinette." Adrien says after there lips part.

"I love you too, Adrien." Mari smiles. She closes her eyes, and falls asleep. 

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