Chapter 10 ~

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Leon woke up and could feel something on his chest when he looked down, he saw Violetta cuddled into his chest holding him tightly so Leon couldn't breathe.

Leon: *Holding his breath* Baby, I can't breathe.

Violetta: Mm, Leon don't let me go. *Holds him tighter*

Leon: *Can't breathe* Baby, seriously let me go release babe, release.

Violetta: Please, Leon.

Leon: Babe I'm not going anywhere just let me go a little bit.

Violetta: *She let go* better?

Leon: Much better.

Violetta: Mm, Leon.

Leon: Baby, you better get up because I'm taking you home today.

Violetta: Awe, but I don't want to go home I want to stay with you.

Leon: Babe, Federico is worried about you.

Violetta: Oh, please he doesn't care about me.

Leon: Now, baby that's your brother you're talking about.

Violetta: I know, and his birthday is tomorrow, so I need to get him a present will you take me shopping?

Leon: If you promise you will let me take you home after?

Violetta: I promise.

Violetta and Leon got dressed as they had breakfast they then went shopping, so Violetta could get Federico a present as well as her dad and Angie to welcome them back.

After some time of looking around the shops, Leon took her back home once Leon arrived at her house, they kissed passionately she was about to get out of the car, but Leon gripped her hand and kissed her again.

Violetta: Bye, handsome

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Violetta: Bye, handsome.

Leon: I'm not here tomorrow well I'm not here for two weeks now.

Violetta: What?

Leon: I'm going on a business trip for two weeks, but I'll video call you every night.

Violetta: I'm going to miss you so much.

Leon: I know baby I'll miss you too, but I'll see you when I get back.

Violetta: I'm going to miss cuddling you and kissing me in bed when I'm lonely.

Leon: So, will I but I'll tell you what here, *Takes his top off* so you have something to cuddle with and it has my scent on if so, you won't miss my smell.

Violetta takes hold of the top but to turn him on she put her hand on his shoulder and she stroked his abs which made him groan instead, she hugged him and pushed his back against her chest and just stayed like that.

Until Leon got her to let go, he gripped the edges of her top and lifted it and took it off and he put it on his lap she gasped at him.

Violetta: Leon, I can't go in without my top.

Leon: Tough, it's mine now, now go on in before I pull you in the back seat and f*ck the life out of you.

Violetta kissed him and he kissed back and before they pulled away, they gave two Pecks and then she got out of the car while she put her shopping bags on the pavement to put his top on so people couldn't see her top half, Leon had already driven off.

Violetta walked in and Federico walked up to her and hugged her.

Federico: Thank God that you are back.

Violetta: Oh, please like you cared where I was.

Federico: I did Violetta, I rang Leon to find out where you were.

Violetta: Oh, so you are spying on me by ringing my boyfriend making sure I was doing what I was doing you're worse than dad.

Federico: Oh, please dad doesn't even know you with Leon and when you do tell him he's going to be disappointed with you because you're his little girl.

Violetta: What if he's happy for me?

Federico: Then it will be a miracle.

Violetta: You're cruel.

I walked upstairs and took my shopping bags up to my room and I wrapped up all the presents then I hid them in my closet, and I sat on my bed, and I looked at Leon's top as I was wearing his top since he took mine off me, I picked up the top to smell him, I could never get enough of his scent. Olga came in and interrupted my thoughts, as I was thinking of Leon.

Olga: Hello, my little girl, dinner will be ready in five minutes

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Olga: Hello, my little girl, dinner will be ready in five minutes.

Violetta: Okay, Olga thank you.

Olga: I love you.

Violetta: I love you too, Olga.

Olga: And because you love me you will tell me your gossip.

Violetta: What, gossip?

Olga: *Sits on the bed with her* Well, are you dating that business guy Leon Vargas?

Violetta: Yes?

Olga: When did you start dating him?

Violetta: Well not long only 4 weeks but I won't see him now.

Olga: Why? what did he do to you?

Violetta: Nothing, Olga he's on a business trip so I must wait until he comes back.

Olga: Awe, it's okay you'll have Angie back soon.

Violetta: I miss her so much and dad I can't be with Federico anymore he's controlling me.

Olga: He's looking out for you, Violetta he's your brother.

Violetta: I know, but I want to look out for myself.

Olga: I know, but it's what your father told Federico.

Violetta: What?

Olga: Yes, before your dad left, he told Federico to keep an eye out for you and don't let you sleep with any guys but that didn't work.

Violetta: Okay, can't believe it does everyone think I'm still a little girl.

Olga: We want the best for you.

Violetta: I hardly think that.

Olga: Come on, Violetta we love you.

Violetta: Please go, I want to be alone.

She left but came back.

Olga: I'll bring your dinner up okay?

Violetta: Thank you, Olga.

She left and Violetta went on her phone and tried to get hold of Leon, but it was just his voice- mail, so she hung up and cried.

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