Chapter 7 ~

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Federico ~

I woke up and I did my usual routine, and I went to go downstairs for breakfast and I could hear crying in Violetta's room, so I knocked on the door and she said to come in with a sad voice I knew there was something was wrong.

I walked in and there she was in bed crying, I walked near her bed and cuddled her, I felt so bad because I don't know what to do, I'd never seen her like this before.

Federico: Hey, Violetta what's wrong?

Violetta: Oh, Federico I'm such an idiot.

Federico: Why?

Violetta: Because I fell for a player.

Federico: Huh? what?

Violetta: Yeah, I uh fell for Leon Vargas.

Federico: *Saw it coming* I told you he's a jerk Violetta he just wants to take advantage of you.

Violetta: I told him I loved him, and he didn't say it back instead he just questioned me.

Federico: Violetta, players like him don't fall in love they just have one-night stands or have a f*ck pad that's why girls don't fall in love with him.

Violetta: Yeah, but Federico, he made me fall for him and he wasn't catching me he was just letting me fall and then he just let me trust him, so he had me wrapped around his finger.

Federico: I don't want to say it but told you so.

Violetta: Okay, I deserve that.

Federico: look, why don't you get dressed and I'll take you to your favourite restaurant? and besides mom and dad are coming back tomorrow and then I'm 21 in three days you don't need that sh*t face in your life you have your brother that's all you should love.

Violetta: You're right you're the only guy I need in my life.

They hugged and Violetta wiped away her tears and she got dressed, when Federico drove to the restaurant, they got a table.

Violetta saw HIM with a girl, but it wasn't him it was all in her head because Leon was on his business trip and he hasn't tried to contact her once, so he must've forgotten her.

Federico: Come on, sis stop thinking about him he's out on a business trip getting drunk and having s*x with girls you shouldn't let him in your brain or your heart.

Violetta: It is not that easy Federico I shared secrets with him that no one knew.

Federico: Oh, you trust him with a secret.

Then the press arrived and started shouting out rumors.

Press 1: Oh, look if it isn't Violetta Castillo with her new guy wasn't he the one who threatened Mr Vargas.

Violetta: What? no, he's my brother why would he do that?

Press 2: Oh, isn't your brother jealous? Because Mr Vargas told us that they had a conversation over the phone, and he didn't say pleasant things.

Federico: I didn't have anything to say to Leon.

Press 3: Is it true that You didn't want Violetta anywhere near Mr Vargas is that why you made a big fuss about him and her being in contact with the firm? 

Federico: Well, because I knew he would hurt her so I thought it would be a clever idea for me to be his contact especially because it was my job not Violetta's

Violetta: So, that's why you kept on annoying him with your stupid requests? Because you thought I was stealing your job, I can't believe you are my brother I need you to support me and instead you make me worse, I'm going for a walk.

She left and the press left so Federico was sat in the restaurant on his feeling guilty.

With Violetta ~ I sat on the bench and just cried but I felt a hand on my shoulder and pulled it close to a chest, but I knew whose chest it was

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With Violetta ~
I sat on the bench and just cried but I felt a hand on my shoulder and pulled it close to a chest, but I knew whose chest it was... could it be possible that I'm in love with a guy who doesn't know what love is or is it just how he made me feel inside? But the person who was cuddling me was rubbing my back and I knew whose hands they were because only he can rub my back as he does...

Who do you think is cuddling Her?
Do you think it's Diego?
Or could it be Leon?
Tell me in the comments who you think it is
Then find out the answer in the next part
Hope you liking my book so far
There's more coming up soon
Thank you for reading my part
Do you think Federico is to blame for why Leon didn't say anything to violetta?
If you do tell me why in the comments or if you don't tell me your opinion
I love you all

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