Dates and Mates

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There'd been two more dates and the two were getting along great. Ryan for one was ecstatic about going out with Maya.

On this particular date, the two went out to skate. Ryan couldn't skate and kept falling.

"Ryan you suck at this." Maya said, laughing and helping her up.

"I know, I just wanted to come out with you and you mentioned you liked to skate the other night." Ryan said, holding her hand tightly.

"That's sweet of you Ryan." Maya told her, kissing her cheek. "Here, I'll help you out." Ryan smiled widely as Maya led her around the floor.

"Thank you. I shouldn't have just tried to skate like I'd be amazing out of nowhere."

"Yeah, I don't think so either." They laughed and Ryan shrugged.

"I'm having fun though, I guess it doesn't matter."

"So am I, you seem to make it fun."

"I try, I try." They skated around, laughing and enjoying the other's company. After they got tired of skating, they sat outside of the building. The two had an unspoken mutual agreement that they liked being outside, and they liked being away from so many people.

That's one thing Ryan liked about Maya. Unlike Ellie, she didn't mind it being just the two of them, doing nothing. She didn't mind not wanting to be around others. In fact, she preferred it also.

Maya took Ryan's hand in hers and sat in on her knee.

"You know, that first night I was scared to be dating an eighteen year old. But I don't think I care anymore Ryan." Ryan smiled, feeling ecstatic.

"That's great to hear. I guess that means you like me huh?" Ryan said, wiggling her eyebrows. Maya laughed and shrugged.

"Maybe it does. Who knows?" They laughed and Maya leaned her head on Ryan's shoulder. Ryan's heart thumped quickly, feeling the heat of Maya's body on hers. She looked at Maya, she loved Maya's crazy, puffy hair. Not to mention it smelled great. "You just don't seem like an eighteen year old. Not to mention how happy you make me." Maya mumbled. Ryan knew Maya was also not the type to talk about her feelings. She didn't like to admit how Ryan made her feel. She knew it was significant for Maya to tell her that.

"That's my goal, every time I talk to you." Maya rubbed her finger across the top of Ryan's hand, then leaned up to kiss her. Ryan held her waist, rubbing it softly. She liked kissing Maya, it gave her a certain thrill, it gave her a crazy feeling.

Maya pulled back and rubbed Ryan's shoulders.

"The next date we have should just be at my house. And no, I don't mean having sex because I know you're not fully over Ellie. I just mean since we both like being away from everyone it'd be nice." Ryan nodded quickly.

"Yeah, that sounds great... thank you for being so understanding Maya. I don't think anyone else would be as sweet and gentle as you." Maya smiled and kissed her cheek.

"Of course Ryan. I'm not about rushing things. Rushing usually ends in disaster. You're a good friend... or whatever we are." Ryan laughed.

"Good..." Ryan was happy. Things were looking up, though sometimes she still missed Ellie. That was only natural though, she was in love with her. But being with Maya made her not miss Ellie as much. It gave her a different happiness than being with Ellie. Ryan wasn't quite sure which was better, but she didn't care.

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