Cutting Ties

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"I hate when you leave for school." Maya said, watching Ryan get dressed.

"So do I. If I could just lay here all day with you instead, I would." Maya smiled. Ryan pulled her hoodie on and walked over to the bed. She kissed Maya once and Maya kissed her again.

"Mmm. I love you." Maya mumbled.

"I love you too baby. So so much." Maya smiled and Ryan left the room. "Bye! I'll be home as soon as I drop Ellie off!"

"Okay, drive safe."

"Always." Ryan walked down the steps and to her motorcycle.

The drive to Ellie's was quick. She didn't live too far away from Maya. Either way, Ryan didn't mind driving. Ellie was a friend, it didn't matter.

She stopped outside of Ellie's house and texted her.

Come inside. I'm almost done.

Ryan got off her bike and walked up the path. The door was unlocked, so Ryan shrugged and went inside. She sat on the couch, waiting for Ellie to finish. She heard footsteps and Ellie came downstairs in a bra and pants.

"Sorry for taking so long, I woke up late." Ryan looked away and Ellie laughed. "Not like you haven't seen it before anyway." Ryan shook her head.

"Well, that was a long time ago."

"Come on now, don't act like you don't miss it. We had good sex." Yeah, it was fine. But sex with Maya was better overall. She had more with Maya. More than just lust.

"I really don't." Ryan said, shrugging, looking down at her hands. "Not to be rude or anything. I really think you should work on getting over me. We hang out too much." Ryan said, still looking down. "I want the best for you Ellie, and this isn't what that is." Ellie came and stood in front of Ryan.

"The best for me is you." Ryan shook her head. Ellie pushed her onto the couch and straddled her.

"No, I don't want to do anything with you." She picked Ellie up, off of her and stood up. "I love Maya, I don't want you."

"Hmph. Wonder if she knows about us kissing." Ryan sighed.

"You kissed me. I had no idea you'd even come onto me. I regret it and never want to do it again. I asked you to respect that."

"Does she know about it?" Ellie asked again.

"No! She doesn't. Because I can't fucking lose her. I love her with everything in me. She's everything to me and the moment I tell her... she's going to hate me."

"It isn't that serious Ryan." Ellie said, waving her off.

"Yes it is! The guilt's been eating me up. I did all of this stuff for her, and no, it wasn't because of the guilt, but I feel like it isn't even pure. I feel like shit, I shouldn't even be hanging out with you still. But I'm trying to be nice."

"Because you still care about me."

"Yes, I care about you, but Maya is my world. You're so selfish, she saved your life and you can't even respect her or me."

"I didn't ask her to save me!" Ellie countered. Ryan threw her hands up in exasperation. "I don't owe her anything. She stole you from me and-"

"I can't deal with this anymore. I thought you would get better and respect me. I thought you'd be a good friend. But, don't ever ask me to help you or do anything for you again. We're not friends. I don't want you around me." Ryan left the house, slamming the door.

She got on her bike and began driving, finding herself at Maya's house. She paced back and forth outside of the house.

Should I tell her? I don't want to lose her, oh my gosh. What am I going to do? I can't not tell her. She deserves to know. She's going to be so pissed though.

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