How Can I Help You?

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Ryan didn't know what to do. Maya held on tightly to her, more so than usual as she drove. Something happened, and she wasn't sure Maya would tell her. But she'd be there for her and she was definitely staying the night with Maya.

Whatever it was, Maya didn't want to talk about it and she seemed to think she was okay. Either that or she didn't want people to think something was wrong.

They made it to the house and Maya still held on. Ryan pulled her helmet off, tapping Maya's hand.

"Babe, we've made it to your house."

"Oh... yeah, thanks." Maya said, getting off. She took the helmet off and handed it to Ryan. Ryan raised her eyebrow.

"I'm coming in with you."

"For what?"

"Because something's wrong with you." Maya threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Yes, something's wrong with me! But I'm a cop, it'll happen! I don't need you here babysitting me and feeling bad for me. I can get through this by myself."

"Well, when you're with me, you don't go through anything alone." Ryan told her, staring her in her eye.

"You're so fucking stubborn." Maya said, turning her heel and walking towards the building.

"Got that right." Ryan said smirking and following her.

They went inside and Maya went to her room.

"I need a shower." She muttered. Ryan nodded.

"Okay, I'll cook."

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten all day." Maya shrugged and picked her clothes up going into the bathroom. Ryan tried following her and she shut the door in her face, locking it. Ryan sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

She went to the kitchen and looked around, trying to find something to cook. She'd cooked with Maya plenty of times, she had to know how to cook something.

She finally decided to make the sandwiches she and Maya loved. It'd take her a while, but she'd try. She just wanted Maya to be okay, but she knew it'd take a while. This is why she hated police work. Who knows what could've happened to Maya today?

But of course, Ryan was committed to Maya and Maya was committed to being a police officer. Ryan sighed and kept fixing the food. She heard a huge bump in the shower and she dropped everything and ran towards the bathroom.

"Maya!" She didn't hear anything and she rattled the door handle to see it was actually open. She was confused, she knew Maya had locked it at first. She walked in and looked at the shower. Maya sat in the shower, her head in her hands. "Babe, I know you don't want help but-" Maya stood and got out of the shower, hugging Ryan tightly. Ryan was surprised, she hugged Maya back tightly. Even though she was naked and slippery.

"It won't leave my head." Maya whispered, her teeth chattering. Ryan reached above them, still holding Maya with her other hand. She got a towel and wrapped it around Maya.

"I've got you baby." Ryan whispered, holding her tightly. "Don't worry." She picked Maya up, carrying her to her room. Maya kept her head in Ryan's neck, staying quiet. Ryan sat her on the bed and got Maya's robe. She handed it to her and Maya looked down, putting it on. "I'm cooking if you want to come in there." Ryan went back to the bathroom and got another towel. She wrapped it around Maya's head.

"Okay." She took Maya's hand in hers and they went to the kitchen. Maya held tightly onto Ryan's hand as she tried to go back to the sandwiches. Ryan turned and looked at her.

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