Protect each other..

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Introduction: This is the finale book of the Gene x reader series! This book will have about 30-40 chapters :O...enjoy♡

One year later..

It was a very cloudy day in the month of November. It was a chance of 80% of rain. What Y/N and Gene liked. Throughout the year Evan got his own house and Gene moved in with Y/N. The friends from starlight never came back until today..

Evan: *wakes up and stretches* is it going to rain today? Wait..if it rains.... IT SNOWS!!

Evan ran downstairs in his house and went outside. It started to feel very chilly.

Evan: oh shit it's freezing af *rubs his arms*

Evan cutted his hair little more short during the year and it's very cute he also has a nice blue bracket on his wrist he's been wearing for a long time.

Evan: *sees cars at the distance* ?? probably random car--

Suddenly Aphmau's, Katelyn's, Zanes, & a random car with attached werewolf ears on top arrives at the street honking.


Evan goes inside and grabs his trumpet. He's been learning trumpet and ..its going great.

Evan: *runs around blowing through trunpet* THERE BACK GUYS THERE BACK!!!

Dante: *opens his window* THERE BACK? AHHH *yells* TRAVIS IS FINALLY BACK!

Gene was downstairs with Y/N when they heard Evan yelling while playing his trumpet.

Evan: *blows on trunpet* Y/N! GENE! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THERE!!

Gene: *opens door* What's going on?

Evan: THERE BACK! THERE BACK!! THERE BACK!! *blows on trumpet loud* GET Y/N *runs away blowing on trumpet*

Gene looked inside at Y/N.

Gene: he better not be lying..

Y/N: *looks out window* *gasps* THERE HERE BABE!

Gene: WHAT

Y/N quickly pulled Gene outside the house to Aphmau's house as everyone ran to the people coming back. They've been gone longer than summer. Aaron being gone for a year...there all back.

After reading that paragraph I highly recommend looking of what I made ;) it's a little intro you know like in series


All of us who have waited since summer and a year for Aaron were in front of Aphmau's house while the few cars parked at the driveway.

Suddenly werewolves jump out of a car and all of us gasped.

Blaze: HAI!

Dottie: HOLA

Laurance: *screams as he jumps*

Laurance jumps and actually got caught by Garroth who was behind him still dressed in his summer outfit like the others.

Garroth: Hey Laurance!

Laurance: *blushes slightly* GARROTH!

The bros hugged as The werewolves went up to us.

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now