Company Friend

338 13 8

Days later

The snow is slowly disappearing and I just had my training yesterday. Now on I have to take a relaxing pill every night. It sucks but Eve told me it helps me relax my muscles. Also lately Laurance has been helping me with stuff when Gene isn't there.

Y/N: *looks at lap top screen while eating popcorn*

Nanashima: I can't lose my chance with Kae!

Y/N: Where's Igrashi!? *groans on knees*

Gene: *opens door* Everything alright?

Y/N: Yea just the anime I'm watching is going on a wrong path!

Gene: haha, Anime storyline always do that. It get the watcher's attention

Y/N: Pft no duh

Gene: Is what writers do

Y/N: *Sighs* *turns off lap top*

Gene: Feeling little better..?

Y/N: ...I guess

Gene: yea! Y/N I'm going to be out of town soon

Y/N: huh? For what?

Gene: Well my family are visiting town and me and Dante have to go visit them then we all go somewhere for like a Vacation.

Y/N: long will you be gone?

Gene: Not sure, about a week my mom said.

Y/N: I see. well when are you leaving?

Gene: So questionable aren't you~

Y/N: *blushes* Hey! Just I wanna make sure

Gene: *smirks* Alright~, Me and Dante are leaving tomorrow early morning. Sorry about the late notice

Y/N: Nah it's ok just..*gets up* Have fun ok?

Gene: Heh I will

Y/N: *smiles*

Gene: * smiles & comes closer*

I come closer as well..Gene holds my hips as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our lips touched.

Y/N: *parts and looks at Gene* I love you

Gene: I love you too

We let go and Gene walks out of the room.

Y/N: *blushes rly red* Ahhh! *faints*

Gene: *hears from upstairs* *laughs* Oh Y/N..

Garroth: Hey Laurance pass the chips! *dramatically presses button on controller*

Laurance: Okay! *throws chips at Garroth*

Garroth: *gets hit at the face* OW!

Garroth loses in his game. The screen yells " GAME OVER "

Garroth: Oh no!!

Laurance: Whoops sorry about that

Garroth: It's fine *restarts game and continues*

Laurance: *mixes cupcake batter in bowl*

Garroth: *pauses* Hey Laurance?

Laurance: Yea bud?

Garroth: I have a question. I have beem noticing that you've been hanging out with Y/N lately

Laurance: so? What's wrong with that?

Garroth: Oh nothing! Just it's kinda out of the blue

Laurance: Well *pauses mixing batter* I knew her back in highschool but I never really talked to her. And the fact that now she's Gene's Girlfriend. I wanna know more about her. Me and Gene did not get along as much until she came up at the street. She made him happy.

Garroth: Ohh so you're--

Laurance: Interested? Yep. Just as a friend though!

Garroth: Ohhhh Okie *continues playing game*

Laurance: Speaking of Y/N, Dante told me that him and Gene are going out of town tomorrow early morning. And I wanna ask Gene if I can hang out with Y/N while he's gone. Like she has company.

Garroth: That's..very nice Laurance!

Laurance: Yea..she seems like a girl to get too know

Zane: *walks downstairs* Watch when Laurance gets feelings for her

Laurance: WHAT!?

Garroth: *laughs* Baby brother I don't think he would

Zane: I know I know, I was just joking

Laurance: Oh...Hey Zane, where you going? You look all..

Garroth: Fancy

Zane: Oh this? I'm taking Na- I mean Kawaii~Chan! To a fancy date

Garroth: Aww

Laurance: Oooo~ Zane gonna get sum

Garroth & Laurance: *laughs*

Zane: HEY! Well you two have fun..ill be going *walks out door*

Laurance: I'm gonna text Gene about me hanging out with Y/N *goes upstairs*

Garroth: Alright! *continues playing game*

Early morning: Next day

I help Gene organize his stuff and his suitcase.

Gene: Oh yea! Laurance texted me last night that he will be hanging out with you when I'm gone.

Y/N: Oh! Alright

Gene: Let's go

I nodded and we made our way outside. Dante and Evan were there.

Dante: Mom will be arriving soon!

Gene: Sounds good

As soon Gene said that, the car arrived at the neighbrohood.

Dante: Welp, I'll see you later Evan?

Evan: Yea

Dante smiles at Evan. Evan smiles back. How they smile at each other. I knew they we're like..meant to be.

Dante puts his suitcase inside the trunk and goes inside the car.

Gene: I'll see you soon babe..

Y/N: See yea

Gene puts down his bag and pulls me in a passion kiss.

Evan: *takes a quick picture* hehe

Y/N: Love you

Gene: Love you too

Gene puts his suitcase inside the trunk and closes it. He goes inside the car.

Gene's mom: We will be back!!

The car drives off. Me and Evan walk onto the street as we watch the car turn away from the street.

Evan: *clears throat and makes a deep voice * It's almost dawn. We should get inside babe

Y/N: PFT *laughs* What was that!?

Evan: babyyyy kissss mee~ *makes kiss noises*

Y/N: Alright Evan

Evan: *laughs* I love joking with ya

Y/N: I know you do

Evan: mmhm

Y/N: And I will go inside babe

Evan: *laughs* okay, see ya later

Y/N: See ya

I walk inside my house. I look out at the window.

Y/N: Stay Safe Gene

End of chapter

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now