A Choice

406 11 1

Light shines side to side onto my eyes..As it shines the voice is faded then with strength.

Doctor: Hello!? Y/N! Y/N can you hear me!?

I blink my eyes rapidly. The light was bright.

Y/N: *groans* h-Huh?

Doctor: *turns off flashlight* She's awake

Y/N: *gets anxious* W-Where am I!?

Doctor: In the hospital. Don't worry. You're ok.

Y/N: H-How did I get here!?

Doctor: Your friend who was with you called 911. Glad you're fine. However some people want to talk to you soon..

Y/N: W-Who?

Doctor: Some investigators

Y/N: I-I don't want to talk to them *sits up*

Doctor: hmm..I'll see what I can do. Stay put for me sweetheart

Y/N: Thanks

As soon The doctor left the room Laurance walks in.


Y/N: Shh I'm fine Laurance

Laurance: *sigh of relief* good but Y/N..

Laurance sits in a chair next to my bed.

Laurance: What happened back there...

Y/N: huh?

Laurance: You literally stopped a whole robbery from happening..

Y/N: oh ya..

Laurance: I know about your ability and your still in training and how your power can be very powerful AND can be use for evil--

Y/N: Ya Ya..Laurance no one else was there to give authority to the robbers. I thinked..Can I safe everyone by using my power? So I tried..but I didn't know I'll end up passing out. It didn't happen when--

Then I paused. I almost mention the fight I had with Ein.

Laurance: When??

Y/N: N-Nothing...But Laurance

Laurance: *looks at me*

Y/N: Those witnesses..

Laurance: Many posted on social media*gives me his phone*

I looked on his screen. It's on his Instagram home page showing many posts of the robbery. An article with the headline "Powerful girl saves a store from a robbery!"

Y/N: They can't be serious..*gives Laurance his phone back*

Laurance: welp yep

It was quiet for awhile. Then Laurance spoke.

Laurance: Do you want Gene to know what happened?

Y/N: ...I feel like he should know but at the same time no.

Laurance: how come?

Y/N: I love him so much..just..him figuring out;  me saving everyone from a robbery just by using my powerful ability! It'll freak him out. He'll be really worried. I don't want him to coming back from having fun with his family just for this.

Laurance: It's ok if he's really worried and wants to come back here. He's your boyfriend. A boyfriend isn't someone to use for granted nor use just liking the idea of them. Of course you're not using him like that. You two have a deep connection that made you guys fall in love. He loves you. That means he'll be worried when you're hurt, he'll drive hours back home just for you, and he has strong commitment with you. Doesn't he have the same ability has you!?

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now