The Grand Opening

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   A week has passed and today is the grand opening of the Night Club. You didn't talk to Gene for past week and when he tried all you do is ignore him.  You got the job at Starbucks. Monday- Friday you work at Olive Garden for most of the days and on the weekend you work at Starbucks in the city. You do ignore Gene Not for the attention but just for the best. Zane finally talked with Laurance as long as everyone else and everyone's on good terms. Dante and Evan has been keeping their new relationship a secret as Dante is not yet ready to come out. It's early Saturday morning everyone's excited for the night of party.

10 am


I'm at Starbucks and there's so many people talking about going to the new Night club opening tonight. I am still going of course to support Gene. Even though I have been ignoring him. Maybe I'm being too harsh on him.

Co-worker: hey girl you good?

I shake my head

Y/N: Oh yea just barely any sleep haha

My co-worker who works with me on the weekends shift is name Isabella. She's really nice and I've got to know her for a bit. Apparently she went to Phoenix Drop High however I never knew her but she knew me since she remember about Gene and I.

Isabella: If you're going to the nightclub tonight you gotta have alot of energy *turns on blender*

Y/N: Of course just you know my ex—

Isabella: Girlll if my boyfriend did the same I would go support which I know you are just show you are really proud for him

Y/N: Yea you're right

Isabella: Yea well now focus on the cashier cause I see a bunch of VSCO girls about to walk in, I'm getting the white frappe and pink drinks ready

I laughed and see them walk in. I have been harsh on him. Tonight I'm changing things.

Genes POV

I put on my fresh new fit I got and started combing my hair. The grand opening starts at 8pm but I'm still getting ready to go decorate more at the Club. Everyone on the street is getting ready though to be there by 8. I just can't believe I did it. My dream.

Zenix: Yooo Genee

Gene: I know right! *looks at mirror* I be lookin good

Zenix: *walks next to me* me too

Gene: Hell yea

Zenix and Gene did our bro hug and our handshake we've done since highschool.

Zenix: When we were just tagging the walls of a local park to opening up a nightclub

Gene: It be like that

Zenix: Haha Yea

Gene: Soo when do you wanna go at the Nightclub?

Zenix: In about 10 minutes cause I lowkey wanna nap a bit before decorating then get straight to partying

Gene: Goodcall

Zenix goes downstairs and I keep combing my hair. I look in the mirror closely.

Gene: *sigh* Would Y/N be there? I just-

Dante: *knocks* Yoo

Gene: Oh hey

Dante: Sasha just arrived and wants you and Zenix in the car asap

Gene: Oh tell her I'll be there

Dante: Alright also big brooo you look good!

Gene: Haha thanks lil bro

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