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3 months have passed and everything in the neighborhood was as calm as ever. Mr.Lycan and Zach remain friends and promise no disruptions for anyone in the neighborhood. No sign of Katelyns mom though. Gene has moved out of Y/N's house and went with Dante and Travis. As Gene griefs of the break up and what Y/N has done he tries to distract himself. With Zenix and Sasha, they start to open up at Night Club that is replacing the Maid Cafe. It is still under construction. With Y/N though, struggling. Living in a surburan house alone is expensive and now you are considering having two jobs to afford the rent. Evan is the only one who talks to you as everyone else has never spoke to Y/N ever since the mistake. Laurance looses connections with everyone as well except Garroth. During the appointments you have tried using your ability but it never showed anything. Now it is June and Summer begins..


My alarm goes off for 5am. I wake up groaning. I do not want to go to work. I get up and out in my Olive Garden waitress uniform and get ready. I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

Y/N: Olive Garden doesn't open for another few hours yet I had to take this shift. Cleaning the place before opening and working more after. *exhales* you can do it.. *looks at hands* why hasn't my powers like work lately. *puts hands on mirror* please! Show me the future! Just please! Will Gene—

I gasp and back up from the mirror. I just mention him again. I almost start to cry but I held it in.

Y/N: *sniffles* I-I just need to get to work

I continue to get ready and go downstairs to grab an Apple. I walk outside and felt the fog, cold breeze.

Y/N: I can't even see where's my car

I walk slowly around hoping I can see where my car is at. Then I see a big figure walking towards me in the fog. I pause. Gene?

Aaron: Oh hey Y/N

Oh it's Aaron?

Y/N: Um hey Aaron

Aaron: Look I know it's early but I was outside ready to go to work as well and I sense— I mean I saw you.

I have him a confused look. Him and Aphmau should never keep the werewolf secret of Aphmau and Aaron shouldn't hide his own. At least I knew since my abilities showed me the truth.

Y/N: Well umm goodmorning

Aaron: Goodmorning haha um Y/N I do have a question

I start to get a bit frustrated. All of a sudden he wants to talk to me. 3 months late asshole.

Y/N: Wow all of a sudden you want to talk to me. 3 months late! Great so everyone will join in and wanna talk to me just cause you did? Like some Choo choo train around here. Everyone following each other.

Aaron: Hey Y/N! At least I'm talking to you. I'm probably the most mature guy around here and of course Gene is second.

I laughed a bit as I do now that's a true fact. Gene can be a bit immature at times which made him cute.

Y/N: Y-Yea

Aaron: Well I don't want you late to your work but, did you mean it?

Y/N: huh?

Aaron: When you did it with Laurance. Did you mean it? Was it real to you?

Y/N: Aaron, it wasn't. Never will. I litterally regret it. It's all I think about at night! Y/N you did a big mistake. You lost your lover. You lost your world! The words that play in my mind. Memories of him and I. It can't stop. It's so painful. I love him. But it was my fault. You would ever think I did it on purpose? Never. It did happen but I never intended too. God damn Aaron, I-I miss him..

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now