New Deal [Pt.2]

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To be continued..

I walked quickly inside the house trying to find Gene. Oh my lord oh my lorddddd

As soon I went into the main living room. It was crowded with adults older than me and some around my age.

Y/N: Where can he be!? We all just literally arrived at this party filled with party we don't even know!

I continued looking for him then suddenly I bumped into someone spilling their drink.

Y/N: I'm so sorry!--

Evan: Y/N!

Y/N: Oh Evan! Oh my lord, Evan--

Evan: its fine I can get a refill

Y/N: No Evan! I need to tell you something important

Evan: what's going on?

Y/N: Look it's a lot to explain but we need to talk somewhere in private *grabs his arm*

Evan: Wait!

Evan shakes his arm away.

Y/N: ??

Evan: I need to get to Dante.. you accidently bumped into me that I spilled Dante's drink...

Y/N: That doesn't even matter!

Evan: Um to me it does *was about to walk away*

Y/N: Evan!

Evan: *stops*

Y/N: ....We can be in complete danger

Evan: *looks over shoulder* What do you mean?

Y/N: What I mean is...the danger that the parents told all of us, is about to start

Evan was quiet, not responding.

Evan: Alright, I'ma go get Dante a drink real quick. Go meet me outside in the huge ass backyard

Y/N: Ok!

We separated our ways as I walk to the backyard, I was shaking.

Evan's POV

I was walking to Dante with his new drink then I see Nicole next to him close.

Evan: Um..heres your drink Dante!

Dante: Oh! Thanks Evan

As I hand him his drink, we accidently touch each other's hands.

Dante: *looks at me*

Evan: *looks at him*

I started blushing and I see little redness on his cheeks...hes blushing?!

Nicole: *grabs the drink from my hand and hands it to Dante*

Dante began drinking his cup as I looked at Nicole.

Nicole: It doesn't take that long to hand a drink

Evan: Well um I'm sorry

Nicole: mmhm *crosses her arms*

I started heating up of anger. I cannot let her be with him, she had her chance and ruined it with him. I don't want him with someone then end up heartbroken.

Dante: *finishes drink* Man that was one fine drink! What was it?

Evan: Um it was fruit punch

Dante: They serve fruit punch!! *places his hands on my shoulders* show me

I blushed really hard that he already noticed when he placed his warm hands on my shoulders.

Evan: I-I will

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now