Being sucessful

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I was waiting for Evan to come over and as I was waiting I was organizing my house a bit. Some dishes weren't washed, floor needed to be swept, and my bed needed to be made.

Y/N: *sits in couch* finally done with those chores *goes on Tiktok*

The first tiktok that shows is a couple celebrating their one year.

Y/N: Aww..

I keep swiping up and all I'm seeing are couple videos.

Y/N: *groans* come on I need a funny video

As I keep swiping a call from Evan comes up. Finallyyy.

Y/N: *answers* Yo

Evan: Soo uhh I'm on my way to your house right now and like I'm walking and I wanna say that most jobs available are in the city

Y/N: Ohh

Evan: Yeaaa so it's a bit further than the local Olive Garden

I get up and walk around while talking to Evan. Great I gotta pay more for gas.

Y/N: I mean it's fine just gotta pay more gas

Evan: Yea baby sorryy

Y/N: No no don't worry! Just it's life you know?

Evan was quiet for a bit then continues.

Evan: Well I'm about to arrive at your house bish come outside

The call ends and I walked outside seeing Evan waving at me. I can see he's wearing pajamas. That's very odd. Evan would be dressing up for litterally nothing, even just going to Walmart he be dressed up for a met gala. But todayy I guess not.

Evan: Heyy

Y/N: Since when did you start wearing pajamas outside?

Evan: Ohh uhh I was at the boys house today and we were all wearing pajamas *laughs*

I laugh and I almost forgot how it was like hanging out with those crazy boys. Especially highschool it was fun when they threw parties during sophomore and junior year.

Y/N: Damnn

Evan: Yeaa and alsoo umm

Evan immediately walks inside and I follow him in closing the door behind me.

Evan: Gene is back like he won't be leaving so often anymore and damn girl he had some sorta little glo-up!

Y/N: W-What do you mean?

Evan: Well he still looks the same of course but he looks more like I don't know, more confident about himself

Y/N: Oh

Evan: I'm not he wasn't with you! But I do see him hiding how he really feels everyday. He's trying to put a strong face.

Y/N: You sure?

Evan: *nods* for sure he asked me about you

My eyes widen a bit. He asked about me again.

Y/N: Well what did you say?

Evan: I said she's doing fine and I asked him and he was like I'm doing awesome like bitch please I can see your Raggy ass tryna hide how you really feelin.

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now