
271 6 15

Continuing from previous chapter


Laurance's POV

Garroth leans in and kisses me.. I just sat there. My eyes widen.. his kiss was warm though.

He backs up and smiles.

Garroth: Your amazingggg

Laurance: Hahahahaha you are toooo

I leaned in for another kiss. He kisses me again. We both pulled back laughing.

Katelyn's POV

As I was dancing with Travis in the dance floor I saw Garroth and Laurance kissing.

Katelyn: *eyes widen* U-Uh Travis?

Travis: YAYAY— what's up babe?

Katelyn: Look!

I point at Garroth and Laurance who are just really drunk and they are kissing. How the hell..

Travis: Woah woah no way-

Katelyn: Yes way!

Travis: *takes pic* They're gonna look at this tomorrow

Katelyn: Do you think..?

Travis: Pfftt nahh they're just really drunk Soo Katelynn it's okayy

Katelyn: I mean alrightt it's just I've seen how Garrkth looks at Laurance

Travis: I think we all have *laughs*

Katelyn: Yup, just as someone who was bisexual, I see it

Travis: *looks at them* We will see then and WE GOT PROOF!! HAHA *holds up his phone* COME ON BABY WE GOT A LONGG NIGHT! *drags Katelyn deep into the dance floor*

Katelyn: AHH TRAVIS!!


Gene pushes me against the wall as my face was against it. He goes behind me and whispers in my ear.

Gene: Y/N baby..

Y/N: F-Fuck me harder Gene..

Gene then puts my hands up as he goes in and out from behind. I started going louder. He covers my mouth with a hand.


Gene: M-More..

He puts my hands down and puts his hands on my breasts. He pushes me against him faster.

Gene: D-Damn.. b-babe..

Y/N: F-fast!

Gene then faces me to him. We're both sweaty and breathing heavily as the room heats up more. The mirror in the room is all fogged up. Gene kisses me and smirks as he moves some hair from my face.

Gene: You're so god damn beautiful and sexy *slides hands down my curves*

Y/N: *chuckles* You weren't finished

Gene: Oh I'm gonna fuck you so hard..

We started kissing passionately again. He sat down on the floor as he put me on top of him. I started going up and down. We are moaning so loud and honestly don't care who hears our love we are making. He places his hands on my ass. He moves me faster.

Y/N: Gene.. G-Gene!

Gene: Say m-my name!

Y/N: G-G-Gene!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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