"I love him.."

479 18 12

December 26

I was in Evan's house trying to comfort him since yesterday.

Y/N: I can cook some breakfast for ya?

Evan: *nods no*

Y/N: Oo how about your favorite, Waffles! *raises arms up*

Evans looks at me then back down nodding no.

I put my arms back down.

Y/N: *sighs* You know..

I sat next to him holding my hands together for warmth. It's FREZZING in his house! Same temperature as outside almost.

Y/N: *sighs* Evan?

Evan: ...

I moved his face to face mine.

Y/N: What happened?..

Evan: *moves my hand* N-nothing..

I shaked my head, stand up facing down at him.

Y/N: Evan, you told me that you just had an anxiety attack yesterday at the party..I know there's more in that.

Evan looks down and starts crying..

Evan: *sniffles* t-they..

I looked confused of Evan was trying to say. There was actual tears rolling down his cheeks.

Evan: What happens, if someone you love is probably with someone who can make him more happier than you could *looks at me*

I formed worry in my eyes. I went down on my knees and held Evans hands..

Evan gasps slightly as he looks at me.

Evan: Y-Y/N..

Y/N: Heh I know back in the day in elementary,  I used to hold your hands whenever you're sad..

Evan: Ya..

Y/N: But what do you mean about what you said?

Evan looks away.

I looked at his eyes then the memory pictures in my mind.

Memory from yesterday

Nicole kisses Dante under the mistletoe strike of midnight. Everyone shouts together loudly "Merry Christmas". Evan looks from the distance...dropping a small box and quickly walking away.

Memory ends in your mind.

I gasped and stood up quickly backing up. I-it literally showed what happened in my mind!...Dante..

I looked at Evan. He likes Dante.

Y/N: Y-you like Dante!

Evan blushes.

Evan: N-No!

Y/N: You wanted to give him a present but you saw him being kissed under the mistletoe by Nicole!

Evan had sad eyes and stood up.

Evan: Ya! A present that I put so much effort in!!!

I backed up a little. He's venting..

Evan: *looks at braclet on his wrist that Dante gave him* His voice, his laughter, augh I can't get it out of my mind! Throughout the year, me and him have been closer. He gave me this beautiful dark blue braclet. He said..

Flashback to months ago

Dante: I-i would like to give you this braclet!

Dante places the wrist on Evans wrist.

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