His Mom

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it's been exactly 2 weeks since they came back from Starlight. The parents arrived a week ago and are staying in a house in the street for who knows how long. Mr and Mrs. Ro'meave and Mr. And Mrs. Lycan are here in the neighborhood.Evan and Dante were in my house hanging out with me for today.


Dante: Look I promise you it's going to work

Y/N: *comes downstairs* What's going on?

Evan: Well this boi here thinks this small plastic cup can fly when the wind blows, like a kite!

Dante: It can!

Evan: Look I have a Magics master Degree --

Dante: And that means you know everything?

Dante goes closer to Evan and Evan backs up a little as he blushes.

Evan: u-um no

Y/N: *laughs* I think it can fly if you run and let the wind do it's thing

Dante: SEE!

Evan: Then *grabs a piece of string* get the cup and we will test it. Outside!

Dante and Evan run outside and slam the door and I laugh of their silliness.

Gene: *opens front door* Hey babe *closes door*

Y/N: hey!

Gene: *laughs* So you know why Evan and Dante are trying to get a plastic cup to fly like a kite?

Y/N: Dante thinks it can and Evan thinks it can't

Gene: ohh

Y/N: mmhm

I was getting a cup on the top cabinet and I was tiptoeing.

Gene: You need help?

Y/N: Ya, I can reach just the cup is far away!!

Gene stood up and came up behind me and lifts me up.

Y/N: *blushes* Thanks

Gene: no problem

I reached the cup and place it down but Gene didn't put me down yet.

Y/N: You know the cup is down right?

Gene: I know

Gene slides his fingers in my hair and I blush.

Y/N: If your flirting.... it's working

Gene: *laughs* You always lose

Y/N: I can flirt!

Gene: *furrows eyebrows* try

I pulled Gene closer and slid my finger down his lips. I blush more after what I just did....

Gene smirked that my eyes widen.

Gene suddenly picks me up.

Y/N: Huh!?

He places me against the wall with my legs around his waist. My face was burning...

Y/N: 0///0 G-GENE!

Gene: *laughs* 100 points for me *smirks*

Y/N: *shakes head* *smiles* Alright

Gene and I kept looking at each other for awhile. I saw how he's looking at me...he probably already notice how I'm looking at him right now as well.

Me and Gene nodded.

We kissed and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Evan: *comes in* I NEED AN EXTRA STRING--

Awkward silence..

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