A New Promise

503 19 26

Christmas Eve

The sun rises from the horizon, spreading it's shine across the sky. Birds fly from their trees as the sum shines at them.

The alarm went off and I groan.

Gene: *slams door open* Y/N!!!

Y/N: *groans* ya?

Gene: *sits by me on my bed* Today is a special dayyy

Y/N: It is? *talking under layers of blankets*

Gene: guess what it is? *uncovers some blankets and rubs my hair*

Y/N: Uhh Happy Birthday Gene!

Gene: Pfft *laughs* My birthday past Y/N

I looked at him..hes rubbing my hair and he's wearing the Christmas sweater I bought him the other day. He smiles as I looked at him with confusion.

Gene: Merry Chirstmas Eve Babe

My eyes widen as I sat up quickly.


Gene: *laughs* Yep


I got up and quickly ran to gene, wrapping my arms around his neck placing my lips onto his.

Gene: *chuckles* I'll be downstairs

Y/N: *smiles* Alright

Gene heads downstairs as I get ready for today.

Third person View

Gene gathered all the present into a pile ready to drop off to Aphmau and Aaron's house.

Gene: *walks to a cabinet and grabs a small box* *smiles* Can't wait to give this to her. I'm actually pretty proud of it

Gene opens the small box. it was a necklace with a locket shaped like a heart. Gene smiles at it once again. He was about to open it then the doors get broke down.

Evan: *breaks down door* MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!...EVE!!

Gene: What the! THE DOOR!

Evan: *looks back* whoops

Gene: *sighs* Its fine we have lots of pairs

Evan: Garroth?

Gene: Yep

Evan: *laughs* *takes inhaler and puts it back into his bag* *looks behind Gene* OO! SO MANY PRESENTS!

Evan goes to the presents looking through each one.

Gene: Hey Evan

Evan: Ya? *picks up a present and looks at its sides*

Gene: You're feeling little better..with your lungs? I just saw you taking an inhaler

Evan places the present down and holds front sides of coat.

Evan: Ya, Yesterday I went to my doctor and he told me now I should take the inhaler. He stated that my lungs gotten little better but of course still weak.

Gene: Glad it's better than before

Evan: *sighs* Yep


I walk downstairs and see Evan and Gene looking at me.

Y/N: what?

Gene: Heh nothing, you look pretty *blushes*

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now