The Robbery

362 14 46

12:00 noon

Laurance: Y/N...Y/N! *inhales* Y/N!!!!!!

Y/N: HUH!? AHH! *jumps out of bed* IM AWAKE IM AWAKE! I-- Laurance? What are you doing in my house?!

Laurance: Oh sorry, Evan came over and I came along. He told me to wake you up.

Y/N: What time is it?

Laurance: It's pretty much noon

Y/N: seriously!?

Laurance: Yep

Y/N: Oh noo! *stretches* My goal was to wake up at 9!

Laurance: Welp that failed

Y/N: Heh ya, so I heard that you're gonna hang out with me while Gene is gone?

Laurance: Yup! Just..I wanna get to know you more. You seem like a very interesting girl

Y/N: oh! Well I guess..Your welcome?

Laurance: *laughs* Thanks, I'll be downstairs waiting for you *walks out door*

I close the door behind him and my back to the room. I look at my room.

Y/N: It's nice that Laurance is doing that for me *opens closet and picks out an outfit*

I change to black leggings with a cute winter jacket that comes with a small red scarf.

Y/N: Probably this will be my last day wearing warm clothes. The snow is already almost done melting. It'll be completly gone by the end of the week. It's Already February soo..

I put on some eyeliner and went to the restroom to brush my teeth. Afterwards I walk downstairs.

Evan: Ayyy wats up homieee

Y/N: ???

Evan: Home dog? Amiga?

Y/N: Evan? What are you even doing? *chuckles*

Evan: Pft I want a nickname to call you

Y/N: Hmm call me--

Laurance: The girl that takes SOOO long to get ready

Y/N: What!?

Evan: *laughs* I can definitely agree with that


Evan: What!? I said it! You actually take long babe

Y/N: *sighs* whatever, anyways let's head out Laurance

Laurance: Let's

As me and Laurance walked out the door I see Evan looking at Laurance with death glaring eyes.

Laurance: ...Hurry to the car *quickly walks to his car*

Y/N: YEP! *walks quickly*

Laurance starts driving outside the neighbrohood and asks.

Laurance: Sooo what do you want to do?

Y/N: Hmm I don't know

Laurance: Let's turn on the radio for ideas

Laurance turns on the radio and the song Count on me by Bruno Mars plays.


Laurance: Really?

Y/N: MMMHM! You can count on me~ like 1 2 3~ I'll be there~

Laurance: *in mind* She also sings

Laurance: So why do you love this song so much?

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