The Eyes with the Prize

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It's the next day and I'm getting ready for my training.

Y/N: *puts scarf around my neck*

I looked at my body mirror..

Suddenly my eyes turned red.

Y/N: *gasps*

I backed up and accidently dropped few objects on the counter.

Gene: *yells from downstairs* You ok!?

Y/N: Y-Ya!

I looked at my body mirror from across my room...My eyes turned red?..or was it imagination..

Y/N: ...They're red I looked at Garroth..

Flashback to Christmas party

I looked at Garroth's eyes. Something sparked in his eyes. Suddenly he looks back at me. The spark starting suddenly consuming me...I pictured red..

Dante: Uhh you two having a staring competition?

Me and Garroth shaked our heads.

Garroth and I: Huh!?

Nicole: You guys were like staring at each other.

Garroth looked at me confused and I did too.

Y/N: Y-ya we did! Right Garroth?

Garroth: Uhh Yes! W-we did

Flashback ends

Y/N: What was the redness in his eyes..I-I don't understand..

I looked at the time and I have 30 minutes left!


I ran downstairs and see Gene gathering our suitcases.


I ran out the door and slammed it.

Gene: Um See ya!

I started the car and headed to my training.

I ran inside the building to the elevator.

I breathed heavily.

Y/N: *pants* I've never been so fast..

Eve: Me either

Y/N: Huh!?

I looked behind me seeing Eve right there with her papers in her arms.

Y/N: E-Eve! I thought you're already *points up* --

Eve: You might be thinking we're both late huh

The everyone doors opened, we went inside and made our way up.

Y/N: Actually ya

Eve: Nope

Y/N: But..

Eve: Y/N I know you're going on a little vaca. I need to show you something before you go

The elevator doors open and we walked in to the big room.

Y/N: Is it important?

Eve: You'll see

She drops her papers gently on Her desk and walks to a bookshelf as she  pulls out a book. Suddenly the book shelf moved to the side, showing a passageway.

Y/N: o.o

Eve: Follow me Darling

We walked inside. As I followed Eve I suddenly had a weird sense. I stopped and held against the wall holding my forehead.

Gene x reader #3: Never let me goWhere stories live. Discover now