🔼⏫Back in Gravity Falls!⏫🔼

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(A/n Yup! I'm sucking at drawing, not a good drawer tho, anyway if u don't see the text clearly, it says;
'Their Adventure ends...
But, what would happen next?'


Dipper and Mabel Pines are now 17 years old; now sitting inside of the bus for Gravity Falls!

Dipper sat next to his sleeping sister while reading his own journal, a blue and medium sized book with a silver Pine Tree on the front. He had been writing everything down about mysteries and weirdness, of course. Unfortunately, the weirdness of Gravity Falls, unknowingly, followed them back at Piedmont, California.
When they got back at California when they were 13, they didn't tell their parents about the true side of Gravity Falls, or else they wouldn't be in the bus for Gravity Falls right now!
Mabel, well she's matured a little, she removed her braces at the age of 14 but she's still the same o'l Mabel Pines! Back to the bus!

Dipper wrote down the weirdness that followed them, he researched everything he had to know, like Cryptograms and others more, that's why he's sleep deprived sometimes. After writing, he fell asleep on his sister's head which is on his shoulder; waiting for their arrival in Gravity Falls.
The reason why they're here right know, because they need to guard the Mystery Shack since Stan and Ford are still in their trip at Stan O'War II.

As the Mystery Twins fell asleep, they didn't know that someone is watching them.

"Hehe, Oh, Pinetree. I'm glad you're back~"


"Dipper!! We're here! Wake up, sleepy head!!"
Mabel shook Dipper violently as the said boy groaned and said sleepily;
"Yeah, yeah I'm awake,"
The girl twin then grab her bags and in a flash she's out of the bus with her still sleepy brother who is carrying his own bags.

After a 30-40 minute walk since they coudn't find a taxi they reached the Mystery Shack with Soos at the front porch wearing Stan's suit with the fez hat on waiting for the twins.
As soon as the not-so-fat man saw the twins he yelled making the birds abondoned the area, literally.
"Dudes!! I missed you guys so much!!"
He crushed the twins with a bear hug, Dipper who coudn't breathe gasp out for air as well as his sister and said between breaths.
"S-Soos, c-can't b-b-breathe,"
Soos let the twins go as they caught their breathes, panting a little.
"Well, what are you dudes waiting for?!? Get inside!!!"
The new Mr. Mystery exclaimed as he grabbed the twins' bags making the two chuckle.
"Hehehe, same o'l Soos, huh Mabes?"
Dipper remarked as he and his sister started to walk towards the front porch. Mabel smiled even the wider and retorted.
"Yeah, same Soos, he lost weight tho,"
The two laughed as they reached the porch; going inside to get a view on some of the changes at the Mystery Shack.
Dipper looked back at the forest, he could've sworn that he saw a yellow glint at the corner but he just shrugged and closed the newly built door.

"Hey, Dipper! Mabel! We had 3 new rooms, including the Attic! So if one of you dudes want the Attic you ca-"
Soos' explanation is cut off by Mabel who ran up towards the Attic with her bags in a flash of 3 seconds making the boys laugh.
"Well, I guess Mabel took the Attic. Soos, I'll get the ones in here,"
Dipper said as Soos nodded leading him to a room near by the new bathroom.
As the brunet opened the door he quietly gasped at the sight as his mouth is opened slightly in shock.

The walls are blue including the bed covers, white Pinetrees is the blue walls' design, a mahogany desk seated at the end-side of the bed, a nightstand next to the bed, a wardrobe neatly placed at the corner, a bay window between the closet and the desk with dark-blue cushions, the window is looking directly at the front of the  Mystery Shack so Dip-dip can see who's going in or out (NoPunIntended) as a drawer stood next to the nightstand and lastly a long blue couch rested at the right side corner of the room, the room had more space inside as well, so he can put everything he want at that space.

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