🔼⏫Forced by being Mad⏫🔼

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[Short Chapter]

"Hey Pinetree~"

Dipper looked around at the dark abyss as he saw a yellow blur in front of him. He then asked; a little confused on why he was here.

"U-Um, where am I?"

Dipper looked around as the yellow blur chuckled?

"Well, I'm just not a yellow blur, kid. I'm a human like you, or is it?
I just blurred your sight of me soo you couldn't see who I am," The 'person' stated as Dipper examined the blur.

"Well, guess time's up. Although, Time is dead! See ya later kid!"

As the sun rise, the brunet woke up with the sun light shining through his opened window that the curtains which is moving by the wind is barely covered. He could hear the birds chirp as well as the leaves moving by the summer breeze filling the area.
He sighed, his eyes still closed as he enjoyed the beautiful and peaceful moment but it stopped when he decided to go and have a warm quick shower, he opened his eyes slightly as it closed shut because of the sun light struck his eyes as he rubbed it and slowly sitting up, he yawned while stretched his arms out and moaned because of his fresh peaceful sleep that gave him more energy than before, since he's sleep deprived sometimes.
He stood up after opening his eyes as he walked out of his room with the clothes he would wear for the day.
Not even remembering a single hint of the dream. Or is it?


After showering and eating breakfast Dipper Pines went straight towards the forest through the clearing where the dream demon's statue.

Dipper sat down in front of Bill as his blue journal  sat next to him while holding it and examining the stone.
The brunet then thought about something.

'Maybe the voice yesterday and the one who saved me is Bill?
But how?
How could he be back?
How could he be so, um, kind to me?
And worse, how could he be human?'

Dipper scrunched his nose in confusion as he looked up at the statue's top hat seeing his Pinetree had with little green moses here and there, the 17 year old teen  sighed as he hope that the demon would actually come back.


Dipper gasped hearing the sound as he turned his head slightly towards the direction of the sound.


Dipper suddenly stood up seeing he's not alone. Dipper saw a blond by the Pine Tree, then suddenly he yelled.


Dipper ran up towards the blond who is still smiling as the brunet approached him. Dipper started to hug the blond and yelled once again.

"Bill! I missed you so mu-"


Dipper opened his eyes waking up from his dream, he sat up dusting himself off as he turned at the statue behind him as fresh and new tears streamed down from his chocolate eyes.
It was just a dream.
Dipper cried more as he couldn't take it anymore, he wanted Bill to come back, right now.


Dipper stopped crying while he wiped his tears away and groaning in frustration, thinking that it would just be another stupid dream.
But, unfortunately it's not. The sound is right behind him.

"Hello little Dippy," A voice cooed in Dipper ears as the brunet gasped again now terrified and scared.
Dipper turned around seeing an oh so familiar stupid albino.
The brunet got mad by the sight of the stupid kid as he stood up yelling angrily.


By just the yelling once again, Dipper made the leaves of the Trees shook as some birds abandoned the shaking trees.

Gideon chuckled darkly as he took out a long knife behind him.

Dipper's eyes widened by the sight of the blade as he stepped back while Gideon followed him still holding the knife out with a wide smirk plastered on his face. Dipper is still taking steps back until he hit a Pine Tree behind him, he's trapped.

Gideon trapped the boy as he brought out the knife towards Dipper's cheek as tears rolled down the brunet's pale cheeks.
Gideon who still had the smirk ran the knife across Dipper's cheek and deep enough to make a long cut.
Dipper whimpered by the pain as Gideon pulled the knife out and hid it behind him as he brought the 17 year old's face closer to him as he chuckled darkly as he warned again.

"I'll be back Dipper. And this time, you wouldn't see your family ever again,"

Gideon released the boy as he took one last glance at him then walking away and out of the forest.
Dipper looked shock as blood poured down his face, but just a little because the blood dried minutes ago before the psychopath walked away, Dipper furrowed his eyebrows as in he's mad, really mad.
He should've fight back, but the knife is so long and he didn't thought about a come back. So he thought;

How about let's summon Bill Cipher.

Dipper smirked as he was thinking the right idea to do. He still had the smirk on while walking towards the statue, he kneeled in front of the demon then he took his journal next to him and flipping to the page where the incantation of Bill Cipher is.
When he found the words he had been looking for, his smirk widened as he looked towards the statue then he started to chant.

"Triangulum, entangulum, Meteforis dominus ventium,
Meteforis venetisarium!!!
Triangulum, entangulum, Meteforis dominus ventium,
Meteforis venetisarium!!!"

"Hey Pinetree~"



(Also, the Dipper's dream part [Not the first dream, his dream at the forest] is from a comic I saw) {Sorry if the incantation is wrong}

Edited: Dec. 25, 2017
Hey guys!! Thanks for reading this and for voting!! Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!!!

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