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"I'll ask again, why are you mad at Gideon?" Dipper asked again directly at Bill while they walked out of the blond's house and at the middle of the forest which is where Bill found the 15 year old.

Ignoring the question once again, Bill just glared on the way while his form had a mix of yellow and red, his azure fire only intensify when they can see a figure in front of them, Gideon's figure.

Gideon's back is facing the two while he rummage through his things in a bag, putting things in and checking if it's right or not which made the brunet and blond confused.

When the two teens reached the 15 year old, Bill immediately smirked and snapped his fingers making a circle of azure fire around the younger teen. Gideon yelped after closing his bag and looked at the harmless fire around him, then his gaze snapped at the two.

Dipper clutched the blond's arm with a slightly worried and calm face while Bill had a huge smirk on his face and an urge to kill the kid right on the spot. But, where's the fun in that?

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Little Star~" Bill cooed while taking steps forward towards the terrified young teen with Dipper.
Gideon snapped his head towards the smirking blond while hugging his back pack tight.

"C-Cipher! What are you doing here?!" Gideon yelled with his southern accent while standing up, eyes widen at the still smirking Cipher as he shook by the sight of Bill and the fire around him.

"Oh! Just a little payback!!” Bill yelled the last part with his demonic voice making the brunet next to him tremble in fear. The blond-demon teen flick his wrist making his fire to move closer towards the albino who is shaking and sweating.

"I didn't do anything, Cipher!" Gideon yelled as the fire only grew closer to him. Bill is mad like fuck as he yelled again with his demonic voice. "You hurt my Pinetree!!!"

"B-Bil, s-stop i-it, now, p-please," Dipper stuttered pulling the blond's arm making the said demon to snap back to Reality as his anger broke down and was replaced with a calm one.

Bill looked down at the trembling Dipper and hugged the said teen tight in his arms mumbling sweet things.

"I-I'm sorry, Pinetree. Don't get scared please. Don't cry," Bill cooed in the brunet's ear while tears streamed down on Dipper's face. The blond wiped his tears away making the other boy to laugh a little. Bill smiled sweetly at Dipper before him and kissed the boy's forehead making Dipper to blush slightly.

Gideon who is still in the background staring at the sweet moment of the two immediately ran away, slightly shaking in great fear from the demon, but keeping his plan up.

Bill noticed this and started to get angry until Dipper stroke his blond silky hair, making the blond-demon to look down at him again.

Dipper smiled at Bill while the blond returned the gesture. They didn't even noticed that they are still in a hugging position. They hugged tightly when they noticed it and the brunet then asked. "P-Please Bill, don't get mad at him again, I'll ask this twice, I'll ask again. Why are you mad at him?"

Bill smiled a little keeping his anger in and still hugged the boy tight as he answered still keeping the anger together.

"W-Well, he gave you that long cut!" Bill suddenly yelled but Dipper softly smiled at him and said. "It's just a cut, no worries Bill,"

Dipper assured the blond but Bill didn't listened yet believed the teen and nodded. Dipper looked at the time at his wrist watch and almost started to know what the hell time is it until Bill exclaimed/remarked.

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