🔼⏫Where Is He?⏫🔼

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"...and then I called the girls!!!"
Mabel finished her flash back bouncing slightly at the couch next to the blushing madly Billdip.

Tyrone and Will are now sitting at the Living Room's coffee table while smirking at the blushing boys.

"Well, bro~ That explains it!" Will remarked smirking proudly crossing his arms and hanging his head high with pride. Tyrone who looked shock by Will's reaction since he never saw his Blueberry do that nodded slowly and turned his gaze at his Original Self who is still blushing madly while he smirked at him.

"Well, Bro-Bro~ We're gonna have the 'Love Talk'," Mabel emphasized the end as she high five'd Will who is still smirking and said. "Me too, Bill! We're gonna have that talk too!!"

Bill and Dipper groaned as they took a glance to each other and blushes even more as their siblings pulled them apart and going to start the 'Love Talk'.

Mabel dragged the squirming brunet to the kitchen while the blue-haired demon and Dipper's Reverse Self pulled his blond stubborn brother towards Bill's room across the kitchen.

They didn't even noticed that Gideon is stalking the brunet's every move.

"Hehe, see you later, Dipper~" He whispered while opening up a portal in the middle of the forest not so far from him as he got ready for the plan.


"Ok, Dip-dop. Do you love Bill or not?" Mabel asked sternly flashing him with a lamp while the brunet groaned and looked at the dimmed lit kitchen. Then he turned his gaze back at his sister who had a smirk on her face.

"I told you, I don't love Bill! He is just a friend!!!"

Mabel scoffed rolling her eyes and asked again. "Well, what do you feel when you're around him?"

Dipper looked down a sec with a small blush and stuttered. "Well, I have this giddy feeling and yeah~ More of that, I love his laugh, his smile. He is so... perfect. So hot and so attractive,"

He is dozing off! Mabel thought smiling and looking at her brother who had an inlove face on and then he realized what he just said.

"Mabel! I-I didn't mean it! Well, I-Ugh! Ok! I give up I really love Bill!" Dipper blurted out looking down in shame as his sister squealed raising her arms high and immediately hugged her brother tight.

"Knew it!!Knew it!!Knew it!!Knew it!!" Mabel chanted while jumping up and down with her brother and finally released the boy.

"Hehe, guess I love Bill, huh?"
Dipper asked opening the kitchen's curtains while Mabel just smiled goofily and helped her brother; replying.

"Yes you do Bro-Bro. Yes you do,"


"Ok bro, do you love Pinetree or not?" Will repeated his question flashing his yellow flame to a stubborn looking Bill who is sitting in his yellow covered bed with his 'annoying' brother while his arms crossed and looking away still pouting like a 5 year old.

Tyrone who is leaning cooly at the blond's room wall while looking around the dark room except for his Blueberry's flame rolled his blue eyes.

"No, I don't," Bill huffed stubbornly still looking away and pouting more. Will brought his flame towards Bill and crawled towards him just to annoy his blond-demon twin brother.

"Ya sure? 'Cause, he's always with you. You're being sweet at him, you cuddle and you guys had a wonderful sweet moments," Will mocked his brother (even though Bill and Dipper just met earlier) and smirked while he can clearly saw a warm and dark blush crept towards his twin brother's face.

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