🔼⏫Passed out⏫🔼

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(A/N Read the author's note or else I won't update this anymore, the A/n is in the end)
Mabel yelled with her hands at the sides of her mouth making her yell even louder as it echoed around the forest.
Mabel and Soos are finding the brunet, but they were taking 4 hours straight and still, the brunet has not found. Then unexpectedly Mabel had an idea.
"Maybe, he's at the Forbidden or Dark Forest? 'Cause his curiosity get the best of him,"
Mabel muttered but enough for Soos to hear. They walked closer at the edge part of that forest then 2 minutes later, Mabel instantly ran when she saw a body lying down at the edge between the Safe part of the forest and the Forbidden's.
Mabel once again screamed as she reached her brother and kneeling down as she shook him gently.
No response.
She put her head down at his chest hearing his heart beats normally, she sighed in relief as Soos soon caught up with her then she gently carried her brother bridal style towards the Mystery Shack with the 29 year old.

Mabel set the boy down on his bed at his room as she ran towards the bathroom and came back with a bowl of water and a towel, she put the towel at the bowl and raise it up as it absorbed the water in the bowl and squeezed it, she then fold the towel neatly and place it at the top of her brother's forehead.
She took another towel from the bathroom as she made it wet once again and wiped her brother's face gently.
While wiping she noticed that there's a yellow stain at the side of the brunet's mouth, after wiping his face; avoiding the stain part, she finally wiped the stain out of his face and examined it.
She was curious and decided that she could take the stained-towel to the alchemist at the alchemy down the street.
The girl twin looked down at her brother, Dipper is sleeping peacefully, his eyes shut closed like he was tired from work, he's breathing is stable while his chest rise up and down as he breathes normally.
Mabel wondered when does Dipper woke up? She would find that out, eventually.
She walked out of the room after closing the door and yelled.
"Soos!! I'm going out!!"
Hearing an 'OK!!' as a response she sprinted out of the building with the towel still in her hand.
She ran down the streets of Gravity Falls as she reached her destination.
"Madame Auelita!!!!"
Mabel sang as she opened the old and wooden door of the alchemy.
The said 76 year old woman looked up from her writing as she was greeted by Mabel Pines. The grayish-haired old woman smiled at the young brunette.
"Ah, Mabel dear. What brings you here?"
The old woman softly asked putting the pen down as the said girl went towards the counter while panting and breathing heavily.
Mabel held her index finger up signaling the old woman to wait until she caught her breath, she then placed her hands on her knees while hearing her heart beats fast through her heavy breathing as she slowly caught her breath; saying.
"I have s-something that you might know w-what it is,"
The girl then took the yellow-stained towel at her back pocket as the old woman suddenly stood up by just seeing the stain, she quickly but gently grabbed the towel as she walked in front of the counter; signaling the 17 year old to follow her.

"Mabel dear, do you even know what this is?"
The old woman asked as she sat across from the girl. A table sat between them while they talk about the commotion.
They're in the secret part of the alchemy where the old woman do spells and shitz.

Of course, Mabel nodded her head 'No' as the woman in front of her as she stood up and walked out of the secret room; returning with a medium sized bowl with water as she set the thing down on the table. Then she placed the towel in the bowl; waiting for the clean water to absorbed the stain, once it does Mabel's jaw dropped slightly as the water took the stain out so easily. The 76 year old woman noticed Mabel's blank expression that went from a shock and amused one making her smile and explained.
"This is just not an ordinary water, this is the Everlasting Water from a pond I found deep in the forest. Also, this water can gave you Immortality but I choose to die easily,"
She let out a laugh as well as Mabel then she continued.
"This can also absorbed anything magical from a thing or living thing. But, if the stain, blood or the dust didn't got absorbed by the water it means that it's not so important. But this-"
She cut herself off as the bowl of water turned into a yellow colored one as she pulled the wet towel out squeezing it and placing it down next to the bowl as she continued once again.
"-this is not an ordinary stain, my dear. This kind of stain is from a potion, obviously, and it's one of the most dangerous potions,"
Hearing that, Mabel gulped as beads of sweat ran down on her pale yet rosy and worried as well as scared face, she nodded and let her continued again.
"But, before I tell you what kind of stain this is. Can I ask that where and when did you find this stain?"
Madame Auelita asked sternly at the looking-nervous girl as she once again gulped and stammered an answer out of her mouth.
"W-Well, Dipper is been out for hours and m-me and S-Soos decided that we should find him and when we did we saw him lying at the grass at the edge of the safe part of the forest. I took and carried him back at the Shack. While I was wiping sweat or dirt out of his face, I noticed a yellow-stained and d-decided to wiped it off with that towel and came here,"
Mabel explained gesturing the towel and where they are now. Auelita nodded in understanding as she make up some theories.
Even if she's an old woman she knows things about taking someone in danger especially potions and things.
"Well, someone might forced Dipper to drink this liquid after knocking him out. Anyway, this dangerous liquid is called the 'PO' liquid,"
Mabel raised her eyebrow as she thought about on what the hell does that mean and decided to ask about what the hell is that.
"U-Um, what the sparkling glitters is that?"
Auelita smiled and chuckled a little by the brunette's action and explained.
"Well the 'PO' means 'Pass Out',"
Once again Mabel rose her eyebrows in disbelief and facepalmed as she shook her head; making the old woman chuckle and said.
"I know right? Not a good name for the one of the most dangerous potions,"
Mabel giggled as the 76 years old became serious once more.
"But, seriously this is bad. The one who drank this would wake up in 9 months or a year or even a decade!!"
Auelita screamed the end as Mabel's once joyful face turned into a terrified one as her hazel-nut eyes formed small beads of tears.
She can't take the life without her brother at that long period of time!!
"And, also there's 89% percent chance that the person would die. It would take a miracle if the person did not die or woke up a week or 2 later,"
The old woman finished as she stood up; sitting next to the crying girl as she hugged and soothed her.
"I-Is there an a-antidote or something?"
Mabel said between her sobbing as the old woman looked at her sadly and shook her head 'No'; making the girl to cry even louder.

After a half an hour of despair, Mabel got home with the clean towel in hand after thanking the kind woman for the help.
As she reached the Mystery Shack at night time she was greeted by Soos and she explained everything about the thing about Dipper. Soos had also small tears in his eyes as he heard what would happen to his best friend.

Little did they know, a shadow is peering through the window of Dipper's room as the shadow looked at the forever-sleeping brunet with an enraged expression.

"That little brat! Oh, be prepared Little Star,"


-3 days later-

After hearing what would happen to the kid, Mabel and Soos still took care of the boy while he's unconscious, Wendy came early from her unknown trip at the other side of Oregon and volunteered to take care of him as well.
It would really take a miracle if Dipper would wake up so suddenly.
"Dipper, please wake up. Don't give up on me,"
Mabel sobbed as she was kneeling down next to her brother's bed while holding Dipper's cold yet soft hand; Soos and Wendy silently crying at the background.

If Dipper would truly and hopefully woke up then who would made him to wake up from his death slumber?



Also please read ryan_slytherin's story!!
Which is 'Mission Impossible: Falling in love'
When I saw how many reads the book is, it's only 52 reads?!?!
I was like what the fuck?!? The book is great as fucking triangles!!!
I loved that story and it's ONLY 52 READS?!?!
So, I added this and tell u guys,
Go fuck and read that story!!
There's a 'suprise' there also!!
Please read that story it's soo wonderful and ass kicking shit!!
And if the author of the book is reading this, I might say,
The book is awesome!!
Especially when Bill and Dip started fighting!!!

Soo~ there's also a book that made me cry which is
Best Friends
From kinkyqueer I think and that book is quite cute and adorable, buuutt it got a little bit of a gory, I cried because Bill killed himself after his and Dipper's Wedding!!!!
Sorry for the spoil but I had too!!!
I was like what the fuck?!?
But when I saw the last chapter or update at the story the author really did that on purpose cause she or he made Bill suicidal.
Sorry for the spoil again.
It was cute!! Even though some shit happened between them!!
But, when I read the last part, I think I felt Dip's sadness like for real, you wouldn't understand though, no one will.

Okay, I described like 2 fucking awesome stories, not only that.

Read the story (billdip of course) by BubblyButton!!
Four Dimensional Hallways
It was soo~ great as well!! I've been waiting for the part of Stan Marsh pounced into Kyle!!
Very, very sorry for the spoil once again.
Just read those awesome, ass kicking, kinky shit, fucking great stories!!!! See ya next time and goodluck for that shit of a cipher!! Laters!!!
[Also, sorry for the one's who is not dirty-minded and not using cursing words, I am sorry for using curse words here for the one's who is innocent. I'll use it once in awhile though. I wish you share and vote my story!! Thanks!!])

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