🔼⏫You're doomed, Little Star~⏫🔼

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[Jan. 6, 2018
Hey!! Guess what?! I'm gonna publish ALL the remaining chapters. Why? Because I'M FUCKING DONE WITH THIS AND GONNA START THE SECOND BOOK!!!]

"Hey, Pinetree~"

Dipper's eyes widened when he heard the familiar voice of a dream demon. The brunet turned around seeing the evil triangle smirking down at him.

Suddenly, the 17 year old stood up from kneeling down and pulled the poor triangle into a hug.

"Bill!!" Dipper yelled as he squeezed the shocked demon tight. Bill's eye widened as his pupil is like a small dot, a small blush spreads around his yellow triangle form.

"Woah there, Pinetree!" Bill exclaimed as he was pulled away by a crying Dipper. Bill noticed his tears streamed down from his pale cheeks as he reached his black cute and small hands up to wipe the tears away.

Dipper chuckled by the triangle's cute and adoring reaction as he hugged the triangle once more. He closed his brown eyes tight from joy, but then he saw a yellow glow through his closed eyes.

A pair of warm arms wrapped around his body and felt that it was hugging him tight. Dipper looked up from the hug and saw a 17 year old blond boy hugging him. Dipper blushed by the sight of the attractive person. The blond smirked and pulled the boy closer to him as their face inched closer while he spoke. "Hey, Pinetree. Long time no see, huh?"

"B-Bill?" Dipper stammered as his blush spreads once more. Bill nodded as he kissed his forehead which is where Dipper's birthmark is. Dipper hugged him still as Bill pulled away from the hug as he interwined his hands with Dipper's.

"U-Um, B-Bill?" Dipper stuttered again as Bill realized and remembered something. He pulled his hands away as he reached something at his back.

"Oh! I forgot about this!" Bill exclaimed cutely as he pulled the thing out of his jeans which is Dipper's blue Pinetree hat.
Dipper's eyes widened as he grabbed his hat while examining it with his blush deepened.

"T-Thanks," the brunet said as he placed his cap back on his head and looked at Bill remembering that he's now a human. Dipper examined the blond, Bill is wearing a white button up shirt, a cyan sweater vest with an eye in the middle, grey jeans and black hipster boots.

The brunet looked at him closely and noticed the blond-demon is all red with an angry expression plastered on his face. He didn't noticed that since he's busy scanning the blond's appearance but then he got confused on why was the blond dream demon is angry and decided to ask. "Bill? Why are you mad?"

The brunet teen tilted his head to the side as he inquired, looking straight towards the blond-demon's golden glowing eyes.
At least he turned back to normal.

Bill pointed towards the long cut across the boy's cheek. The smart brunet remembered his encounter with that little brat of a psychopath, Gideon Gleeful.

"O-Oh, this? This is just nothing, don't worry," Dipper assured the blond while smiling at him nervously but Bill didn't bought his explanation and shook his head angrily.

"That-" Bill paused as he pointed towards Dipper's cut once more and continued. "-wouldn't say a thing, Pinetree,"

The said teen looked down in shame as the other teen pulled him closer as he place his right hand at the boy's injured cheek then by just wiping the wound that made Dipper flinch and whimper, the boy's wound disappeared with a yellow glow. Dipper's eyes widened by just the feeling of being healed as Bill smiled at him sweetly then the blond leaned down to kiss his cheek that made the flustered teen to blush more.

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