🔼⏫Singing Spree Part 1⏫🔼

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(A/N since Mabes is gonna sing this is her font, the bold text)

Now that Dipper Pines is saved by Mabel, Ty, Will and of course Bill, they celebrated Dipper's return and now, The Pines Family, Bill, are at the Party of the Mystery Shack!! (Since Will and the Gleeful Twins are so busy)

"Heyo!! Is this party great?!?" Mabel exclaimed through the microphone she was holding making the crowd roar in stupendous excitement.

Dipper is just leaning on a wall next to the Punch Table, where Manly Dan just punched but fixed it anyways. He took a cup from the table and sipped the strawberry drink. The brunet is wearing blue jeans, blue converse his red flannel with a blue T-shirt underneath. He doesn't need to be 'formal' in this kind of party even though, the party was for him.

"Hey bro-bro!!" Mabel yelled pushing herself through the dancing crowd as music blared in their ears. "How's the party?!?!"

Dipper chuckled and replied loudly. "It's going great!! Then again, thanks for saving me guys!!" The brunet hugged his twin tight who grinned and hugged back.

"You're welcome bro-bro!! Bye!!" Mabel adjusted her big bow headband on her hair while running away towards wherever she's going. She was wearing the same clothes they wore when Zombies raided the Shack.

"Hey Pinetree," Bill showed up with his classic clothes as he reached Dipper with a smirk on his face. The boy twin smiled and hugged the blond who was taken by shock.

"Thanks again Bill," Dipper said tightening his grip around Bill who hugged back.

"You said that since you woke up, meaning you said it hundred of times, kid," Bill remarked feeling intelligent than already he is.

Dipper pulled away from him and rolled his brown eyes. "Yeah, whatever. You guys saved me from that psychopath,"

"I know Pinetree~ I killed him!!" Bill gleefully exclaimed through the party music making the brunet smile a little. He's a little creeped out about the killing stuff.

"Do you know how to sing?"

Dipper glanced at Bill immediately and nodded at the blond's question. "Yeah. Why?"

"Nothing," Bill replied while picking a cup up from the table and drown the liquid in it.

"Hey party people!!!" Mabel Pines roared at the microphone as the people including the two teens cheered. "Who's ready for Kareoke!!!"

The crowd cheered again. Bill and Dipper laughed at Mabel's party style. "Now, with a new Kareoke, with brand new songs from America!!" Mabel cheered happily bouncing on the small platform outside of the Mystery Shack.
Yes, the party was held outside, the two boy teens are just near at the front door of the Mystery Shack where the table of Punch is.

Mabel walked towards the DJ, which is of course, Soos, as she whispered to him something. The man nodded as the girl walked back in front of the stage. Actually, it's not kind of Kareoke she's going to do, she's going to sing without the lyrics rolling down on a screen, is like a concert if you know what I mean. Her voice is gonna shine the night of music.

Soos played the song Mabel picked; Faded by Alan Walker.

You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away

Mabel glance at the two boys mentioning them to go infront as she continued.

Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us

Once again, Mabel gestured Dipper to turn the lights off besides the stage's lights when the chorus starts, and so the brunet did, he went to the switch and waited giving his twin a thumbs up. Bill just followed the brunet along the way.

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