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"Hey, Pinetree~"

Dipper groaned as his eye sight got blury, he could barely see a yellow-gold blur in front of him, he slowly sat up as he rubbed his temples with his hands.
He looked at his blury surrounding, as he gathered the information on what just happened earilier.
He drowned into the water and someone saved him, which is weird, I mean who could save him who is not Mabel or Soos? And not knowing who it is?
He adjusted his blue trunks; still on the ground as the dirt covered him then he looked at the yellow blur in front of him.

"T-Thank y-you, w-who a-are y-y-you?" Dipper stammered his voice still raspy and scratchy because of his almost-death event.
The PERSON chuckled at the brunet as it answered smiling genuinely but the brunet's blury eyes can't see its smile.

"Well, I can't tell you. But, I'll be back, and I promise I'll give you your hat back, Pinetree~"

Dipper's eyes widened as he now know that it's a man who saved him then his blury view lessened as his eyes are not so blury anymore, the person in front of him vanished with a snap of the his fingers.
Dipper looked around quickly as he slowly stood up slowly dusting himself off. He still looked around then suddenly he sneezed while rubbing his nose as he heard a chuckle next to him, the boy turned around to the origin of the sound seeing no one, once again Dipper heard a familiar voice.

"You sneeze like a kitten, Pinetree~"

Dipper gasped while he looked at his surrounding again.
He's back at the shore! Not even noticing it!
The 17 year old then squinted his hazel-nut eyes at the lake seeing small figures, he figured that it was a splashing-around and worried Mabel as well as Soos. He then turned at his back as he saw a group of Pine Trees here and there.

'Who saved me?
Who is that yellow blur person? Why did he save me?
Why did he know about my hat? What did he mean by getting back?
I'm so confused right now.
Wait did he said Pinetre-'
Dipper's ocean of thoughts crashed into shore as he was interrupted by a screaming and yelling Shooting Star, literally.


Mabel reached her brother from her intense swimming as she hugged her brother tight while her long chestnut hair had drips of water from her craze swimming.

"U-Uh, I d-don't know, s-someone saved m-me, b-but I don't know w-who he is," Dipper stammered slightly as his twin sister let him go as he caught his breath and panted.

Mabel rose an eyebrow as a small smirk appeared on her face.

"It's a he. What did he looked like?" Mabel teased but the other 17 year old did not caught the teasing part as he answered with a small smile on his face a well as a small little blush.

"W-Well, I can't see him clearly, all I saw is a blur. Also, I assume that the person is a blond, 'cause he's a yellow blur, so I thought that way," Dipper finished his long but comprehending explanation as Mabel nodded mocking him with her smirk still visible on her pale and wet face.

"Dudes!!!" Soos screeched as he finally reached the shore and immediately hugged the twins. His life depends on the twins if they're in trouble or in danger.
"Dipper!! What happened back there?!?" Soos screamed, making the two teens to cover their ears and closed their similar-colored eyes tight.

"Soos, not to loud!" Mabel yelled also but not loud enough for Dipper to cover his ears again.

"S-Sorry, but seriously dude, what happened?" Soos asked but this time calmly as he turned to the brunet with an expression of worry and scared.

"W-Well, I think I drowned, but someone saved me. But it's a yellow blur," Dipper explained as he looked down thinking deeply; not knowing that a blush spreads around his face.
Mabel jumped and hanged her right arm around her unconciously blushing brother and yelled while raising her other arm up in the air happily with a cute and adoring smile on her face.

"AND IT'S A BOY!!! Dipper got a new boyfriend!!!Dipper got a new boyfriend!!!"

The girl smiled as her right arm was thrown back by her blushing furiously brother with an annoyed face on.

"MABEL!!!!! I DON'T HAVE A BOYFRIEND NOR I'M GAY!!!!!" Dipper yelled loudly as it echoed around the area as the leaves at the Pine Trees shook slightly by the 17 year old's tantrum.

"Hehehe, s-sorry," Mabel gasped out as she laughed out loud then clutching her stomach with tears falling from her eyes because of her intense laughter.
Soos who is a little left out by their conversation cleared his throat as the twins caught his attention; Mabel only suppressing her giggles.
Soos smiled as he finally got the attention.

"We should get back at the Shack, it's starting to get cold here, dudes" Soos insisted rubbing his arms and a little cold after swimming as the twins nodded in agreement then he grabbed his shirt and towel as he dried himself off, the twins did the same. After dressing and that stuff, the three walked back to the Shack in a peaceful silence since what more they could talk about?


After reaching the Shack once again, Dipper went to his room as he dropped his backpack which is where the things he brought at their small trip and immediately went to the bathroom to get a quick shower.
After that he lied down on his bed after dressing himself with an oversized t-shirt and shorts not before looking at his alarm clock at the nightstand that reads;
He groaned as he closed his brown eyes and mumbled a complain.

"Why does the time is so slow,"

"Well, Time is dead and meaning has no meaning,"

Dipper's eyes snapped opened when he heard the voice next to him and immediately turned at his side seeing, once again, no one. He tilted his head at the side in confusion as his chesnut- brown fluffy hair got a little messy by just tilting his head. He sat up as his right hand supported his weight while scanning the room to see if someone has been there and the results is, no one.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he thought.

'Who could voice that be?
It's so familiar-'

He lied down again at his bed as he looked up at his ceiling still deep in his own thoughts.

'Maybe, that voice is the same voice I heard earlier, maybe he saved me.
But, who could've save me?
This is so confusing!
I don't get it!
I had to find out this later!
Wait! I forgot about Gideon!'

Dipper groaned in frustration as he rubbed his face with his hands angrily by just the thought of the psychopath albino.
Well, at least his right, he forgot about that kid, since he's quite busy.

'Um, this is Weird, maybe someone is just haunting me, or making me crazy, or- Ugh!
I just want to get some sleep. Besides I don't want to eat dinner anyway,'

As the last thought passed he shuffled under the blankets as he placed his left hand under the pillow then drifting off to a deep and peaceful slumber. Or is it?

Not far from the brunet's room, is a big and tall Pinetree stood proudly as a figure loomed over below the tree then the sun started to set.

"Well, now that the kid is asleep, might as well visit his dreams~"

The silhouette grinned widely while his eyes glowed yellow-gold; still glued to the sleeping brunet by the window as he snapped his fingers once again disappearing into the air.



(Sorry if I misspelled or had wrong grammar, I'm lazy to do edit and also, school is crap)

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