🔼⏫Find The Certain Pinetree⏫🔼

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Bill, Will, and Mabel started to find any clues for finding Bill's Pinetree.

Tyrone had to go back at his universe to start his show with his sister, Mabel Gleeful.

"Where could've Dipper go?" Mabel asked the twin demons as they looked at each other and finding Dip around the streets.

Bill shrugged and said. "I can't find or sense him, oh Pinetree,"

The blond looked down a sec as Will put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Bro. We'll find him," The light-blue demon assured the blond-demon as they smiled at each other. Will jumped a little and looked at the ground for a minute and turning his gaze at the two.

"Sorry guys, Master and Mistress are calling me now,"

Bill and the girl twin nodded as Will disappeared on the portal at Reverse Falls leaving the two for them to search Bill's Pinetree.


"Where is he?" Bill asked worrily for the 100th time making Mabel sigh.

"Bill, we will find Dip-dop, don't worry," Mabel said assuringly as Bill sighed and nodded. They decided to get some rest so they went back to the Shack and rest for awhile.

"Oh Bill, you would never know where he is," a southern-like accent whispered through the warm breeze of the summer air as the boy disappeared with a flash of baby blue.

🔼Meanwhile at Reverse Falls🔼

"Dear brother, stop that," Mabel Gleeful commanded at her brother who is pacing back and forth in the Living Room.

"Where is Will?" Tyrone Gleeful asked to himself as his dear sister just shrugged and continued reading the Book of Spells while drinking some tea.

Just right in time, the shy demon walked inside of the Gleeful Twins' Living Room. Dipper's Reverse Self saw him and immediately ran towards the startled demon.

"M-Master? Is there something wrong?" Will asked as the Gleeful Boy Twin nodded his head and reported. "There is another magic source here in Reverse Falls and I wanted to investigate it with you,"

Will smiled and started to reply but was cut off by the only girl in the room.

"Seriously dear brother? You are just pacing back and forth just for that?" Mabel retorted while sipping her tea making her brother glare at her.

"Shut up, dear sister," Tyrone snapped at her while she shrugged and continued on with her business.

"Now, let's go and see what magic is lurking here," The brunet announced while dragging Will out of the Gleeful Twin's Mansion.

The two are now walking into the forest in silence until Will broke it.

"So, y-you can track that magic?" Will asked while looking at Tyrone who is glancing sideways and nodded as a response. The light-blue haired sighed as they went deeper into the forest as suddenly Will bumped into something.

"Oof!" Will fell to his butt as the other 17 year old helped him up.

"What happened?" Tyrone asked as Will shrugged and tapped an invisible barrier.

"This is where the source of the magic has been held, I can sense it, it's so similar to Mine and Mabel's," Tyrone stated while pushing his hand through the barrier.

"I need to tell Bill about this," Will said while looking at Tyrone who nodded in agreement. The blue demon snapped his fingers and they are now in front of a frustrated Mabel and almost-crying Bill.                                             
"Bill! I know that Dipper will be fine!" Mabel snapped at Bill who looked up and noticed his brother so he yelled. "Will!!"

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