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Dipper groaned as he lied his head on his desk as the paper scattered on the floor when he lied his head. He was trying to solve the cipher Bill gave to him. But, he still didn't know what Cipher he used!

All of the sudden, Mabel bursted into the room with a wide grin in her face as her hazel nut eyes shine in joy. She then ran to her brother and immediately hugged him.

"Bro-Bro!! You wouldn't believe who arrived just now!!" The girl twin exclaimed as she pulled away from her brother who had a confused look and asked. "Who?"

"Us kiddo," a grumpy voice called as two old men entered the room. Dipper's eyes widen and abruptly stood up and ran towards their Grunkles.

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford! You finally came home!!" Dipper yelled happily squishing his Grunkles with a bear hug. Ford chuckled and ruffled the brunet's hair while saying. "Yes, Dipper. We're back,"

Stan laughed as they pulled away from the hug but was trapped by Mabel Pines who hugged them all while squealing. "I missed you Grunkles!!!"

Stan and Ford smiled as they hugged the younger Twins back. As the Pines pulled away, Dipper suddenly trapped Stan into a head lock.

"Head lock!!" Dipper declared happily. Stan choked a bit as the brunet pulled away. The old man rubbed his throat and smiled proudly at the 17 year old brunet and ruffled Dipper's brown locks.

"Not bad, kid. Not bad," Stan said proudly as the four of them laughed while going to the Living Room to talk about the Older Twins' adventures.


"Awww~! I wish I got to go with youuu!!" Mabel whined while crossing her arms and pouting making the men laugh. Dipper looked at his twin and said simply. "We had school, Mabel,"

The girl twin rolls her eyes and declared loudly while standing up. "Excuse me!! I'm going at Candy's!!"

The three men waved at her as she left the Shack. Stan picked the remote up since he wanted to watch TV and left the Nerdy Side of the Pines.

"Hey, Grunkle Ford?" Dipper asks as he reached his Grunkle who was about to walked down the basement behind the vending machine. Hearing his name, Ford snapped his head towards the brunet's direction and softly smiled as he went towards Dipper with a small question. "What is it, my boy?"

Ford ruffled the 17 year old's hair again making him chuckle as he replied hesitantly. "U-Um, I was thinking can you help me solving this?"

Dipper pulled the paper out as he handed it to Ford who eyed it suspiciously while examining it. The 59 year old man then looked at Dipper and asked. "Did you used the Ceasar Cipher?"

Dipper nodded and said. "I used almost every Cipher I know,"

Ford tapped his chin and snapped his fingers as he got an idea. "How 'bout the Vigènere Cipher?"

Dipper's brown eyes widened and gripped his hair angrily. "Why did I forget that?! Thanks Grunkle Ford!" After that, the brunet teen grabbed the paper and dashed towards his room leaving Ford dumbfounded.

"Oh, okay," was all the thing Ford could say as he trotted down the basement after pushing the code on the Vending Machine. When he walked down the creaky steps he pushed a button on the elevator and stepped in. When the elevator reached Ford's Office, the said Pines walked out of the elevator and went to his desk to calculate the weirdness here in Gravity Falls. And the thing he saw shocked him. The wires and the machine are wailing as results rolled down the TV screen. Ford's eyes widened and mumbled.

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