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"YOU AGAIN?!?!!!"
Mabel yelled angrily as she ran towards Gideon Gleeful who had a smirk on his face while the girl twin grabbed him by the collar of his baby blue button up shirt and glaring down intensely at the 15 year old boy.
"Yes, me again, my dear Mabel~"
Gideon cooed while his face is inches away towards Mabel's face as a look of hate and disgust plastered on the girl's face. She dropped the boy down as Dipper and Soos stood beside her also glaring at the boy.

If Soos, and the twins changed, Gideon changed as well. He changed his clothes into hoodies, button-down or up shirts, jeans and converses, his hair style changed as well, his hair are not hanged high or whatever anymore, it was now a normal haircut as his bangs now loomed over his forehead; covering his left baby blue eye, he became, surprisingly, thin as well.

"Just stopping by saying-"
Gideon cut himself off as he suddenly ran up towards the shocked twins and warned angrily.
"Just remember this, Pines Twins.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form. A different time,"
Gideon smirked as he walked out of the gift shop leaving the three stood there still in shock.
"What does that mean?"
Mabel asks unknowingly as Dipper had a conclusion/theory.
"I think he's talking about someone, but whose crime? And what different form and different time? But, worry not! Sir Dippingsauce will figure out the case!"
Dipper exclaimed the end as he strike a heroic pose as Soos and his twin laughed at his cute little antics.

Yes, Mabel should be doing this, but Dipper since he's grown attached to her 'cause she's his twin sister he also did Mabel's enthusiastic actions, not all the time tho, just to make the 'problem' mood being cut by Dipper's sword of cheerfulness!

"OK! Now if you'll excuse me! I'll go out in the forest again to get some more clues about Gideon,"
Dipper stated as he grabbed his journal which is under the counter as he started to walk out of the Mystery Shack.
Mabel thought about a protest as a worried look plastered on her face but it disappeared when Dipper shouted fron outside the shack.
"I'll come home before dinner!!!"
Mabel smiled as she went to her room as Soos fixed some attractions.


Dipper reached the forest; not really caring about the time nor the 15 year olds' warning.
Once again he went to that clearing where Bill Cipher's statue stands, he clutched his journal tightly as a small smile unconsciously appeared in his cute and adorable pale face then he sat down in front of the statue; deciding what shall he do.
"U-Um, h-hey B-Bill. How are you doin'? Ugh, Bill I don't get you, I want to get and solve you, so if you can hear me, just answer me, please,"
Dipper whispered the last part as a tear rolled down his right hazel nut and glistening eyes, no one would cry over the evil demon, but the brunet want to get and understand the crazy and insane demon, he talked more about how he wouldn't get the triangle, he continued; not really caring about who would hear him and more about that stuff.
Dipper sniffed as he rubbed his slightly puffy red eyes then he stood up slowly taking his hat off his head and gently placing it at the top of Bill's cute little top hat.
"If you come back, please return my hat to me,"
Dipper muttered as it echoed around the area and he started to walk away once again with a small glance at the statue; a smile plastered on his face.

Ting!! Ting!! Ting Ting!!
(A/n Cue the YouTube video here)

Dipper blanched and whimpered hearing the horrible and terrifying sound, he turned around as a tall, black and slender beast can be seen not far from him, only 20 feet tho, the monster had a puppet-like mask on, the crooked smile that creeped everyone out and the figure's thingymajig is like he's in prison, white and black, it's very creepy, those purple tears-like right below his white glowing eyes then the make up, eesh. The puppet's eyes looked at him intensely, then the musicbox thingy noise played once again as he looked at his surroundings, he crossed the Forbidden part of the Forest! He took the wrong direction!

That part of the forest can make one of your little nightmares come true, not even thinking about it, it'll pop up.
"Uh oh, the Marionette,"
Dipper mumbled staring with wide eyes at the scary and creep of a triangle creature, then he turned on his heels as he ran fast than he nor his sister ever could.
I mean, who would never ran away from danger?
(A/n I will! Lol)

The Marionette or the Puppet ran quickly as well just to catch the 17 year old boy. Dipper is screaming inside but he had no time to do this kind of things at the situation like this!

He could see the edge of the Forbidden part, meaning he could get out easily.
Finally! He reached his safe destination!!

Spank! Thud!

Dipper fell down at the grass when someone hit him with a branch on his head, the person then kneeled next to the brunet as he took out a yellow-colored vile as the mysterious stranger opened the cork and poured the liquid inside Dipper's slightly opened mouth, he made the liquid drown inside the brunet's throat as he wiped the rest and stood up; walking away from the poisoned Dipper with a smug smirk appeared on the person's face.

"Hehe, Goodnight Dipper~,"


Yellow!! The Marionette or the Puppet is in a game called Five Nights At Freddy's as you may all know and yeah~ I like the game, I don't play it anymore 'cause I don't play 'games' anymore (Lol). Also, Gideon's warning part the;

One way to absolve his crime.
A different form. A different time.

Is actually at the other Billdip story, I forgot whose story it is but it was great and wonderful, please comment at the section below if you guys know that Billdip Story 'cause is very wonderful and cute! And if the author of that book is reading this then I must say, I love that book!! Because it's Billdip and so much entertaining, I wish I could read the book again!!
Also here's the full thing of the poem thingy:

Sixty degrees that come in threes.
Watches from within birch trees.
Saw his own dimension burn.
Misses home and can't return.
Says he's happy; he's a liar.
Blame the arson for the fire.
If he wants to shrink the blame,
He'll have to invoke my name.
One way to absolve his crime.
A different form. A different time.

Anyway, I hope you guys love this and please vote or share the story!!! See ya guys next time!!! Laters!!!


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