????⏫Familiar Presence⏫????

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The Celebration is now over and things went back to normal. Or is it?

"Hey bro!!" Mabel exclaimed while bursting into her brother's room. "Wanna go to Bill's?!?"

Diper looked at her and smiled. "Sure," he set his book back on the shelf as he and his sister walked out of his room.

"Hey, Soos!! We're going to Bill's for awhile!!" Mabel yelled and got an "Okay" from Soos as a response. The twins then walked out of the Shack and headed to the blond's house. (A/N You may forgot but, Soos and the town now knows that Bill's back. Except for Stan and Ford tho. Is it just me who forgot some plots here?)

"Hey Bill!!" Mabel exclaimed while reaching the blond's cabin. Bill was chopping down some wood. He had no shirt on making the bruentte girl to smirk to a blushing Dipper.

"Hey Shooting Star!! Heya Pinetree!!" Bill greeted while dropping the axe on the ground as the twins approached him.

"Why are you chopping wood?" The girl twin asked pointing at the woods Bill chopped and added. "And, where did you learned to chop wood?"

"Well, the woods are for our Camping later! Manly Dan taught me how!!" Bill answered well yelled happily while Manly Dan smiled at him and said with his deep voice. "I'm going home now. Your Welcome Bill,"

As Manly Dan disappeared from the teens' sight, Mabel exclaimed yet again. "Camping?!? You didn't tell us that we're camping here!!"

"Hehehe, I want to be surpise for you two," Bill said shyly as he looked down at Pinetree who seemed flustered at what he just saw. The blond smirked at Dipper who blushed more. "Like what you see Pinetree?" He said gesturing his body making the brunet's blush deepened.

"S-Shut u-up, Bill," Dipper stuttered. T-Those a-abs, they are so a-addicting. The brunet thought and held his nose in any chances of a nose bleed while thinking of that. Of course, Bill Freakin' Cipher heard that and smirked widely at the boy before him, little did he know, he had a pink blush tinted on his cheeks.

"I heard that, Pinetree~" Bill cooed at the smaller boy's face whose brown eyes widened and punched the blond-demon's arm making him laugh (besides the hilarious pain he was now feeling). The blushing brunet shot a glare towards his twin who's laughing hysterically at the whole time while rolling around the grass, literally.

"Mabel! You'll get yourself dirty!!" Dipper giggled as his twin complied and standing up while dusting herself off.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited!!!" Mabel jumped up and down on the grass receiving chuckles from the two boys.

"Okay, so where does this 'event' is going to happen?" Dipper asked while looking at the two and pretended that he didn't saw Bill's toned chest. (A/N did anyone got a nosebleed??)

Bill smirked and looked down at Dipper while his face inched closer to him. "Well, it will happen in my room," the blond said huskily making the brunet blush once again.

Mabel laughed and said teasingly. "Goodluck with that Bro-bro! Use some protection Bill!!"

Bill chuckled loudly as Dipper blushed more. The brunet angrily punched Bill's stomach again making said blond to flinch as Dipper walked away from the two.

"Pinetree!! We were just joking!! Right Shooting Star?" Bill asks the girl twin who nodded and clamped her mouth shut in any case of mockery that will come out.

Dipper ignored the other 17 year olds and just walked fast.

"Pinetree!!" Bill yelled while snapping his fingers as a yellow t-shirt appeared on him, after that he dashed to chase the twin down the dirt path leaving the other twin behind.

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