Part Seven:

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Always You:

Part Seven:

Brinley's P.O.V:

"I can't wait for the wedding!" I exclaim, smiling as I speak to Shane over the phone. I hear him chuckle on the other end of the phone.

"Neither can we. Gotta tell ya, though, the nerves aren't just setting in, they've set up camp!" He breaths out and I sigh, smiling softly as I try to reassure him.

"Hey, listen to me, okay? You love Piper and she loves you. It's okay to be nervous, but, just think, at the end of it all, you're going to be with the women that you love for the rest of your life." I say, finding myself smiling at my own words.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Sis. Thanks." Shane says, relief and happiness laced together in his voice. I sigh proudly and nod.

"You're welcome. Hey, listen... Urm... I want to ask you if I can bring... Uh... A date... With me to the wedding?" I say. I don't hear anything from Shane's end, which only makes my palms sweat and causes my heart to beat faster. I, then, hear him sigh.

"Is it Harry?" He asks and my breath hitches for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I nod.

"Yes." I finally say and Shane hums.

"Yeah, sure. He seems like a well adjusted young man." His words shock me as I recite them over and over again in my head. Did my big Brother just say that he would be happy for his only baby Sister to bring  a man... A date, to his wedding? "Sis?" Hearing Shane's voice made me realize that I haven't spoken for a few seconds now.

"Yeah, thank you, Shane, I appreciate it. We appreciate it." I say.

"You're welcome, Sis and so is Harry." He tells me and I smile.

Walking into Harry's gym, I immediately go into a search for him.

"Left! Right! Left! Right! Again!" Harry's voice booms through the gym and I smile, following the stern voice that he projected while at work. I entered a huge room with a boxing ring right slap bang in the middle.

Always You (Harry Styles) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now