Part Four:

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Always You:

Part Four:

Brinley's P.O.V:

Being right in the middle of two angry vampires is not my idea of safe. Harry continues to be tense, making me feel very uncomfortable. Without even turning to me, he speaks.

"Go and wait in your apartment, Brinley." His voice is low and stern as he talks to me. I know not to argue with him, so, I nod and quickly flee Harry's apartment, not even bothering to pick up my coat or bag.

Getting back into my apartment, I stop in my tracks when I see who is standing by my shelves, looking at old family photos of us. A gasp leaves my mouth, making the person spin around to face me. A smile breaks onto his face and I smile back, fresh tears in my eyes.

"Shane!" I exclaim, a sob leaving my mouth as I lunge at him, pulling him into a tight hug. He laughs, hugging me back just as tightly.

"Hello, baby Sister." We pull away from each other and I could see the tears in his eyes as he smiles at me.

" We pull away from each other and I could see the tears in his eyes as he smiles at me

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"What're you doing here? I haven't seen you in about-"

"Four years." Shane says, finishing off my sentence. Shane left home at 19. He moved to America, got an apartment and a job as the Sheriff of the town. Mum and Dad are proud of him. They are of all of their boys, just not with their only girl. "I came here for a special reason, actually." He smiles and I nod.

"Okay?" I say and he grins.

"I'm getting married!" He happily tells me and I gasp, my eyes widening as I go to hug him again tightly, expressing my congratulations into his ear. "Thanks, Sis." He says, pulling away from our hug. He looks around my apartment briefly, a guilty expression on his face, making me frown. I walk over to him slowly.

"Shane? What's wrong?" I question him, but, he doesn't turn to look at me. Instead, he sighs.

"It's just... This place. I mean, my God, there are people doing drugs on the stairs! It looks like you've even struggled to place the bare minimum into this apartment. I- we had no idea that you were struggling this much, Brinley. Especially with all of the money that Mum and Dad have." He explains and I grow very confused. Wasn't any of my Brother's told?

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