the beginning

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Bruces pov

I sat watching the circus act go on. Mesmerized by the skill of the flying greysons i looked away for a second when I heard a scream. My head shot up seeing the young boy screaming at his parents who lay on the ground. I instantly rushed to help. I spoke to the boy and tried to calm him. I saw myself in his poor boy who spoke of wanting revenge. I looked at the police officer "no need to call protective services officer. I'll take the boy for now" the officer nodded. "Come on. Shall we get your things" he looked up at me. I knew that look he was hiding something.  "Thank you but I cant come" I frowned and why not. "Follow me" I done as the boy asked. He took me to a trailer. He looked around before entering. I followed him. He walked over to some blankets and pulled them off revealing a bed with a small girl laying asleep. I walked over looking at the small baby. "Why have you been hiding this" I looked at him "my mom had her a 4 yeas ago. The circus wanted mom to give her up... so we kept her a secret. I can't leave her Mr. Wayne." I stood silently for a moment. Then I nodded. "I suppose you better pack her things as well." He looked up smiling. "Really!" I nodded. He smiled.

2 years later.

I sat at the dining table hearing a small pitter patter of feet. "Emilie what are you up to" I got up smiling.  "Rahhhhh" she shouted at me. I smiled picking her up "ah you scared me" she giggled "Where's your brother" she smiled "bed" I frowned. It was almost 12. "Go wake him up" I placed her down. She wobbled slightly then ran off. I slowly walked up to his room. Normally dick is up and out. I walked upstairs stopping outside the door. I heard no movement. I slowly pushed the door open seeing her asleep on him. All that running around has worn her out. I smiled at the sight.

9 years later

Dicks pov

I walked into the house. I hadn't been home for weeks. I became nightwing and me and the titans had a lot of work to do. I dropped my bag on the ground taking off my surprise glasses. "Master Richard your home" I smiled "hey Alfred.  Where is everyone" he smiled "on patrol.  Your sister is here with miss gorden" I smiled. "Thank you" I walked upstairs to her room slowly pushing the door open. "Anyone here" "dick!" I heard a squeal then I was tackled into a hug. I chuckled "I missed you" she heald me tight "I missed you too" he let go I looked at her. Her long black curls hiding one eye a lilac shirt that bring out her pale skin and a white skirt. I smiled "I'm not staying for long" she frowned "why" I pushed her hair out of her face smiling at her still freckled face "because people need me" she groaned "at least stay the night?" I rolled my eyes "fine"

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