training time

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Jasons pov

I stood pounding a pun high bag. Dick was spotting me. "I know you can hit harder" I let out a grunt hitting my hardest "Well done your getting there" I smiled. "Let's try some flips" I rolled my eyes. I had been practicing I was getting pretty good. "Ready?" I nodded looking at dick. I jumped up turning my body landing on the ground.  On my butt. Dick chuckled. "Damn that looks like it hurt" he laughed "leave him alone Richard. Try jumping a little higher." I stood up at Emilie walked in. Blue sports bra and grey sweats. "Like you can do better" I pouted. Dick let out a laugh "I trained her myself" she smiled jumping landing a perfect flip on her feet. She smiled taking a bow. "Please todd. I could kick your arse at anything" I chuckled "fight me" dick looked at me "what" she laughed "come on then tough boy" I walked over landing a punch which she... caught. I raised an eyebrow "remind me never to pick a fight with nightwings sister" everyone in the room froze. "What." I looked at them both. "She didn't know" dick exhaled deeply. She looked like she was about to murder him "BRUCE!" I heard loud footsteps "BRUCE! GET IN HERE!" She demanded "Emilie calm down!" She looked at him as Bruce walked in "CALM DOWN! YOUR TELLING ME TO CALM DOWN!? I JUST FOUND OUT YOUR A SUPERHERO AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN! NEXT THING BRUCE IS BATMAN!" dick closed his eyes. Bruce looked how "you've got to be kidding me" dick gave a small smile "I'm sorry we didn't tell you" she laughed "your my brother we're supposed to tell each other everything. I thought we did." She sighed "we do" she shook her head "obviously not. And you!" She pointed at Bruce "you let him get into trouble and nearly killed every night.  You supposed to look after him!" She stepped forward "please calm down" she step back. "Do anything but tell me to calm down right now!" He looked at her sternly.  "You know what young lady. Yes. We go out at night and do this. Yes it's dangerous. But do you understand the amount of times your brother has done this to make sure your safe. I've made sure you safe. Everything we do is to keep not only the city but you safe. So say what you will. But do not be angry about this" she huffed. "Now dinner is ready" she looked at him "I'm not hungry" she strommed off slamming her bedroom door making dick jump. "Well done todd. She officially hates us all. As if she needed help with that." Bruce sighed "she's a 15 year old girl. She will do you she's told. I refuse to let her be angry about this" dick shook his head "she's right. We should've told her"

Timeskip. 6 weeks later

Dicks pov

I limped up the drive. I had got into a fight with some thugs and they got me pretty bad. I walked through the front door. Groaning in pain I got to the living room. I took off my mask rubbing my bruised eye "Dick?" I turned around seeing her look at me. "Are you okay" she walked over "shouldn't you be in bed sweetie." She placed a hand on my shoulder "I didn't want to sleep while everyone was out. I was worried." I smiled she looked at me "let me see" I pulled my hand away revealing my bruised eye. She sighed walking away a second.  She returned with a ice pack. I smiled "thanks sis" I placed it over my eye looking at her "this is the 3rd time this week dick. Please try to be more careful" I chuckled at how worried she was. "Come here" I engulfed her in a hug. "Thank you. Now go to bed I'll see you in the morning okay?" She nodded "goodnight" I sighed. She walked upstairs when my earpiece went off "dick. I need you" I was confused "What's happened" I frowned "jasons missing" my heart sank. I put my mask back on "I'm on my way"

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