battle scars

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Dicks pov.

I sat my head in my hands waiting. I heard a slight movement and my head shot up. She huffed still sleeping. The door opened Jason slowly edged in. "She hasn't woke up at all?" I shook my head. "Jay?" A small voice cracked as if under pressure. My head shot in her direction. Her eyes were open and looking around trying to make sense. "Hey... how are you feeling" I moved closer. She looked at me frowning "it's really bright in here" I smiled. Jason flicked the light off. "Better?" She mustered a small nod looking around. "I went a little crazy... I'm sorry" I chuckled "it's okay sweetie you had reasons god knows what that maniac did to you" she didn't react to my words. "Hey... look at me " she slowly did "it's alright..." she shook her head starting to cry. "Come here" I pulled her into my chest as she cried. I looked at Jason. He rubbed his face "hey kiddo... look. I know what he did. I'm sorry I couldn't get you out... I'm sorry I couldn't save you." I was shocked at how much it had shaken him. "I watched you try... the whole time. I gave up but you didn't... you never gave up. Not one day went by when you didn't fight for my safety. But I the end I couldn't take your pain anymore. I couldn't Watch you scream for me. I was trying to get away. I shot one of the thugs in the leg then ran. They caught up with me and decided to torture me for a while." I shook my head looking at her. "I'm sorry I didn't get you sooner" she smiled "it's okay dick. Can you do me a favour and find out when I can go?" I raised an eyebrow "Emilie... you've been shot. I don't think they'll let you just walk out." She pushed the cover off "nonsense. I'm fine. I don't like hospitals. I want to go home. Besides I miss Alfred." I rubbed my face thinking about the annoying little twerp that had just moved in "oh yeah about home... Bruce adopted another kid." She rolled her eyes "I think he has an addiction boys. Really. Next he'll bring 3 home" Jay let out a nervous laugh "What? " She looked at us both "Bruce has a son... his name is Damien... he's erm... a little strange..." she frowned "Damien?  Is that not the name of the devils son?" Jay brush into a fit of laughter "the kid is a demon dick admit it." He laughed. I nodded "he is a little." She shook her head laughing swinging her legs off the bed. "What are you doing?" She looked up at me "like I said I'm going home" I looked at Jay "help me out here?" He shook his head "she would be safer at the manor." She smiled "then it's settled. Jason please tell me one of you thought to bring me some clothes?" He passed her the bag. "Thank god. Know you two go and tell the doctor I'm going home while I change " I didn't even argue as we walked out of the room. "She's just like you" Jason remarked "won't take no for an awnser" I nodded "she's like Bruce you mean. Have you seen her sulk." We laughed.


I opened the manor door grabbing her bag. "We're home!" I called out. Alfred stood waiting. "Master dick. Master Jason.  Your back. And... miss Emilie... your home" she smiled "Hi Alfie" she hugged him "jeez I missed you" he smiled "I wasn't expecting you home from the hospital so soon" she looked around "I wanted to be home. Meet these knew brothers I've heard so much about" I chuckled "they should be here any second" I looked at my watch. There was a thumb and grunting from the lounge when tim struggled in a feisty Damien attached to his back. I grabbed Damien whilst jay grabbed tim. "Unhand me grayson!" I chuckled "behave." Emilie raised an eyebrow looking at the young boy. "And who might you be?" She walked over kneeling down to his hight "I take it your Damien." He looked her up and down "yes. And you are?" She stood up again. "I'm Emilie grayson. Richards sister" she looked at tim. "And you must be tim drake. The smart one out of the boys" "hey!" Me jay and Damien shouted. She smiled "I guess so." She nodded "good." Damien stepped forward "so your he one everyone was looking for. You tried to kill my father?" I smacked him round the head "it's okay dick. And yes. I did. Damien there are things in this world we don't all understand. And my actions are one of those. Not even I understand them sometimes." I raised an eyebrow waiting for Damien to react "yes well. Some people are weaker than others I guess." She nodded "indeed. Now if you boys will excuse me I'm going to get some rest" she turned around. Not one of us noticed Bruce standing on the stairs. None of us moved a muscle.  He walked down  to our level with a stern face. He looked at Emilie. "How's your injury?" She looked down. "He missed my organs and spine. I should be okay soon" he stayed silent for a moment before embracing her. "Don't ever leave this manor alone again. You understand?" She nodded hugging him back. She mumbled something I couldn't make out but Damien stiffened. "He is my father. Not yours." He walked out the room. Bruce sighed "I'm sorry about him. He's..." "sensitive? Yeah. I get that." Bruce shook his head "I'll talk to him" Emilie stopped him. "Let me talk to him. Clear the air a little" she walked away "What just happened Bruce?" He looked down "she called me dad. Damien got defensive"

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