Make the call

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Jason's pov

"What are we supposed to do Bruce! Just sit here and wait. Your kids are half way out of town. And you want us to just sit?" Bruce didn't awnser him he just watched the tracker on the city map. I slumped down next to dick just waiting for an awnser. A few moment later the door crashed open followed by tons of armed police.
"Bruce Wayne. Richard greyson and Jason Todd you're all under arrest for assault, criminal damage, disturbing the peace..." commissioner gorden continued to talk but the voice faded from my mind as I was placed in cuffs.
"What the hell gorden!" I heard dick shout. I was focused on the map. The location. It stopped. It was near the otisburg district.
"Bruce!" I quickly turned his attention back to the screen. He looked in shock. That's when the message got to gorden.
"A group of people have blown out 3 main bridges in Gotham. Suspects unknown." My heart sank.
"Gorden." Bruce said calmly "I understand the pressure your under. But my kids are in trouble. My daughter is in trouble. You should understand. The moment they're safe I swear I'll hand myself in. But please." Gorden pauses. I grew tense.
"Get these men free. What do you need bats." I breathed a sigh of relief as I was released.
"I need everyone off the streets. Including the cops. No one else needs to get hurt. Make the call gorden." Gorden grabbed the radio about to call when another message went through.
"Sir. We have a situation. Joker and Scarecrow. Their making a live broadcast. They have hostages." My whole body went into shock with the words.
"How many." Gorden demanded. I had to sit down for a moment my eyes fixed on dick as he listen.
"3. 2 of them are children. They want the city shut off or they will be killed."
I raced upstairs getting changed as fast as I could. If he harms anyone I'll kill him myself. Bruce stood in the doorway already suited up.
"Jason. We need to think about what to do before we rush into this." I tried to get past him  but dick was stood in my way.
"Jason I hate to admit it but he's right. This is the people we love. They could end up hurt even more. Or worse. We need to think about this."

Dicks pov

I had never been this scared in my whole life. We found the car. I had to step away to compose myself before I took a good look. It had been crashed into. Whatever it was left nothing but tire tracks. The right hand back door was completely caved in. That's where she was sat. I was half way relieved to see the lack of blood in the car.
"Now what." Jason spoke out. Bruce was already gone. He was on the trail. We followed as quickly as we could and all stood opposite ace chemicals. I could tell Bruce was very close to loosing his cool. We stuck to the plan. I was sat in a vent in the most uncomfortable position ever. I could see... Everything. I saw Tim hanging by his arms dripping with blood. Damien was still tied to a chair slurring insults through his gag. I was worried. Beyond that. Tim seemed lifeless hanging there. Crane was sat in the railings watching them both. The door opened and I could hear the metal clanging.
"Any news!" His voice echoed around the room.
"Nothing yet." Joker tisked and the comment.
"What a shame..." he finally came into my view. He had her. Her arms bound behind her back. She looked nervous. Damien began to shake his chair even more. "Why won't they come?" He grabbed her hair. She whimpered but didn't say a word. "Tell me. I plan all of this for the best punchline of my career and they're not here! Why." I couldn't see her clearly but I heard her reply.
"Because you're not that funny." She spoke. I had to close my eyes as his face twisted in anger. She was shoved against the brick wall. I heard the impact as she hit it.
"You want funny!? I'll show you funny!" He shouted. She begun to scream as he applied more and more pressure to her head. Then snap then echoed around the room and her screams stopped. He dropped her to the floor and I felt sick. He began to laugh loudly. I didn't know how much longer I could listen. "Now that. was funny. Scarecrow. Why don't you take our little friend to the other room. Scare her a little. I'll deal with our smallest bird." My heart sank. Bruce was already in front of joker. I jumped into action seeing Jason go after crane. I ran to the boys. I cut Damien free making sure he was okay.
"Greyson. Greyson! I'm fine! Go and find her! I'll take care of drake!" I demanded and I chased Jason into the other room. That was a sight that physically made me sick. I had to turn away. Crane was knocked out in the corner. Jason was pinning her to the floor as she shook.
"Dick! Dick! Help me! She's having a fit!" I rushed over.
"Let go of her! Okay! Jason look at me! Jason!" I shouted at him until he finally looked up.
"I need you to work out how long she been like this." I turned her into her side keeping a check on her pulse.
"I don't know. 5 minutes?" I tried to keep myself calm. She began to calm down. Her body shook every moment or so.
"Okay I need you to help me start checking for broken bones okay."  I started with her face and he started at the other end of her body. I carefully felt around. "Skull fracture... orbital socket is really bad." I got her her neck which seems fine.
"I think her kneecap is broken." He stuttered. I pushed him aside checking both.
"No it's okay. Her arms are okay. But I need you to help me. Her shoulder is dislocated." I looked at her with a huff.  "I'm so sorry little bird"

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